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Research On Young Students' Career Hope:Development Characteristics,Influencing Factors,Mechanism And Group Intervention

Posted on:2020-03-20Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:W Y ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:1487306182978789Subject:Development and educational psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Young students' self-knowledge and external exploration has to be deepened.They are facing the transformation and adaptation requirements of many career roles,which lead to some confusion of individual career development.Positive psychology provides a good framework and ideas for young students' career counseling.The most closely related to career in the theme of positive psychology research is hope.Therefore,some researchers have proposed career hope and some related concepts,compiled relevant tools,and carried out some related research.Nowadays,the concepts and connotations of career hope are still not mature.The measurement tools have yet to be improved.Research on the development characteristics of career hope points to a single group and the conclusions are inconsistent.The exploration of the factors and influencing mechanisms of career hope is relatively simple and poor.The effect and mechanism of career hope to career mechanism has yet to be clarified.And intervention research of career hope needs to be refined to achieve better results.This study takes young students as the main research object,and uses a combination of literature review,qualitative research,quantitative research,and intervention research to conduct research about career hope.Firstly,based on the literature review,it sorted out the context,progress and deficiencies of career hope,and proposed research questions.Secondly,on the basis of qualitative research,it constructed the concept and connotation of career hope,and initially explored the influencing factors of career hope and the role of career development.Then the career hope scale was developmented and its reliability and validity were tested.And then,the development characteristics of young students were studied by a combination of cross-cutting research and follow-up research.Thirdly,the use of quantitative research was analyzed the factors influencing the career hope of young students and their role in career development.Finally,based on the above and the research results,it designed and carried out research on youth student career hope group intervention.Specifically,the research mainly includes six parts.Part ?: Qualitative research on career hope(Chapter 3).This part uses open-ended surveys to collect the views and understanding of the participants' career hope,and uses the qualitative analysis software Nvivo8 to analyze the data obtained by the open surveys,exploring the concept and connotation of career hope,extensively exploring the influencing factors of career hope,grasping the influence of career hope on individual career development and its possible mechanism,which provides reference clues for the subsequent preparation of career hope scale and in-depth quantitative research.Part ?: Preparation and testing of career hope scale(Chapter 4).Based on the analysis of the concept and connotation of career hope in qualitative research,and based on the qualitative text,the reference to career hope related tools and the basis of career hope,this part designs questions of career hopes,and the initial test questions which based on the expert content validity assessment.Afterwards,a formal questionnaire was formed by conducting quantitative surveys.item analysis and exploratory factor analysis,and the reliability and validity of the scale were tested by confirmatory factor analysis,reliability analysis and criterion-related validity.The results of confirmatory factor analysis further illustrate the rationality of the meaning of career hope.Part ?: Research on the development characteristics of career hope of young students(Chapter 5,Chapter 6).The fifth chapter is mainly to take a large-scale cross-sectional study to understand the overall development level and type of career hope of young students,and to explore the development characteristics of young students' career hope along with the learning stage,grades and ages,and to analyze the differences of career hope in terms of gender,place of origin and whether is the only child and the impact of the above demographic factors on development trends.Chapter 6 is based on cross-sectional study,selecting the students who is from the second to third grades in senior high school and in the university as the research objects,conducting the tracking study.By using latent variable growth model analysis,it is to analyze the development track of young students' career hope over time,and to discuss the impact of gender,place of origin and whether the only child on the development trajectory.Part ?: Research on the influencing factors of career hope of young students(Chapter 7).Based on the control of demographic factors,this part examines the influence of family factors(family socioeconomic status,adolescent-parent career congruence)and personality factors(proactive personality)on career hope and the size of each effect.And then it analyzes the influence of the senior high students' and university students' the family factors,personality factors,career self-efficacy(for senior high school students,it's mainly about the academic self-efficacy,and for university students,it's mainly about the career decision-making self-efficacy),and career outcome expectations(for senior high school students,it's mainly about the academic outcomes expectations,and for university students,it's mainly about career decision-making outcomes)on career hope.Part ?: The role and mechanism of career hope of young students in career development(Chapter 8).Firstly this part explores the impact of career hope on career adaptability.And then it analyzes the mediating role of career self-efficacy(for senior high school students,it's mainly about the academic self-efficacy,and for university students,it's mainly about the career decision-making self-efficacy)and and analyzes the mediating role of career outcome expectations(for senior high school students,it's mainly about the academic outcomes expectations,and for university students,it's mainly about career decision outcomes).After that,it analyzes the influence of career hope on the career satisfaction(for senior high school students,it's mainly about the academic satisfaction,and for university students,it's mainly about career satisfaction)on career hope,and the career self-efficacy and career outcome expectation play a mediating role in the influence of family factors(family socioeconomic status,adolescent-parent career congruence)and personality factors(proactive personality)on career hope.Part ?: Intervention research on young students' career hope(Chapter 9).This part takes the concept of positive psychology as the starting point,integrates multiple career theories,and designs a group intervention program aimed at improving the career hope of young students.Then,for the university students,the experimental design of the pre-test,post-test and follow-up test of the randomized experimental group was used.The experimental group is carried out a six-time career hope group intervention,and The control group did not intervene do any treatment for the control group.And then,intervention and tracking effects of the protocol were evaluated by a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods,and the mechanism of intervention was analyzed.The research draws the following conclusions:1.Career hope is the individual's hope for career development,and it is a positive psychological quality which integrates cognition,emotion,will and behavior.The structure of career hope is mainly divided into five dimensions,namely,positive expectation,goal setting,agency promotion,pathway reached and introspection adjustment.The factors of career hope can be summarized into environmental factors and internal factors.Environmental factors include: macro environment,family factors,organizational factors,and interaction factors.Individual factors include: learning experience,career maturity,and psychological factors.The role of career hope can be summarized into four aspects: positive motivation,goal orientation,career investment,and career aftereffect.2.The official version of the career hope scale compiled in this research has excellent internal consistency reliability,split-half reliability,test-retest reliability,content validity,construct validity and criterion validity,which can be used as an effective tool for assessing career hope.The confirmatory factor analysis shows that the first-order five-factor model has a better fitting index,which further supports the career hope is made up of the five dimensions: positive expectation,goal setting,agency promotion,pathway reached,and introspection adjustment.3.From the perspective of cross-sectional research,young students' career hope that the overall development level is above the middle level.The types of career hope of young students fall into three categories: Good,General and Missing.Young students' career hope have significant differences in the learning stage,grades and ages.There are significant differences between male and female students in the four dimensions of career hope,such as positive expectation,goal setting,agency promotion and introspection adjustment.There is no significant difference in pathway reached.There are differences between boys and girls in the development trend of positive expectation,goal setting and pathway reached.There are significant differences in career hope and their five dimensions among young students in urban and rural areas.There are significant differences in the developmental trends of career hope and their five dimensions in urban and rural areas.There is a significant difference between the only child and the non-only child in career hope and positive expectation,goal setting,pathway reached,and introspection adjustment,but there is no significant difference in the pathway reached.There is a different development trend in the positive expectation of the only child and the non-only child.From the perspective of longitudinal study,there is a certain growth trend in the development of senior high school students' career hope from the second to third grades,and there are individual differences in the starting level and development trend,and the development trend is related to the starting level.The development trend of university students' career hope from sophomore to the third grade is a steady trend,and there are individual differences in the starting level and development trend,and the development trend has nothing to do with the starting level.Gender has an impact on the starting level and development trend of career hope of the second to third grades in senior high school,and the starting level of female students is lower,the development slope is higher,and place of origin and whether the only child have no effect on the starting level and development trend of career hope.There is no influence on the starting level and development trend of the second to the third grade in university career hope in terms of gender,place of origin,and whether or not the only child.4.There is a significant positive correlation between family socioeconomic status,adolescent-parent career congruence,proactive personality and career hope and its five dimensions.Family socioeconomic status,adolescent-parent career congruence,and proactive personality has significant positive predictions for young students' career hope.There are differences in the influencing factors between senior high school students and university students' career hope: in the high school students group,in addition to demographic factors,family socioeconomic status,adolescent-parent career congruence,proactive personality,academic self-efficacy and academic outcome expectation are significant predictive career hopes.In the group of university students,adolescent-parent career congruence,proactive personality,career decision-making self-efficacy and career decision-making outcome expectation are significant predictive career hope.Academic self-efficacy and academic outcome expectations are expected to play a partial mediation on high school students' career hope in terms of family socioeconomic status,adolescent-parent career congruence and proactive personality.Career decision-making self-efficacy and career decision-making results are expected to play a partial intermediary role in the influence of initiative personality on college students' career hope.5.It can be positively predicted career resilience by young students' career hope.Senior high school students' career hope play a full mediation in the impact of academic self-efficacy on career adaptability,and play a partial mediation of academic outcome expectations on career adaptability.The career hope of university students plays a part in mediating the influence of career decision-making self-efficacy and career decision-making results on career adaptability.Senior high school students' career hope have a significant positive prediction of academic satisfaction,and career adaptability plays a partial mediation of senior high school students' career hope on career satisfaction,and there is no regulation.University students' career hope have a significant positive prediction of academic satisfaction,and career adaptability plays a partial intermediary role of university students' career hope on career satisfaction,and there is no regulation.There are certain differences in the formation mechanism of senior high school students' and university students' career hope.For high school students,external factors such as family socioeconomic status and adolescent-parent career congruence play a certain role.For university students,there is no influence on family socioeconomic status.And the degree of influence of adolescent-parent career congruence is reduced.6.Through quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis,it is believed that the career hope group intervention program designed in this research can promote the improvement of university students' career hope,not only the immediate effect is obvious,but also the tracking effect is obvious.The reasons for this group's hope that group intervention is effective are: it ensures scientific based on career theory,improves the pertinence according to the group goal designed,concerns the creation of group atmosphere to play an interactive,timely monitors and improves flexibility.
Keywords/Search Tags:senior high school students, university students, career hope, development characteristics, influencing factors, career development
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