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The Dynamic Monitoring Of Land Price In Shanghang County Base On GIS

Posted on:2003-02-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Z JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360092997963Subject:Soil science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Land, is the carrier of social economic activities and the existence of mankind. Each nation and region attaches great importance to the operation of the land market In order to manipulate the macroscopic market development in land, we must make clear of the market development. The land price is the most sensitive index to reflect the market operation. Thus the dynamic study on the land price has become one of the focuses of land management.This research therefore takes Shanghang County as a case study to analyze the trends of land price in cities and towns. It is technically based on the " Regulation of Land Quotation in Cities and Towns" and the "Regulation of Real Estate Quotation". In addition, it is supported by the geography information system (GIS) .The dynamic development of land price bears three distitict characteristics: the vibration of time, the region of space and individual. This paper probes into the regularity of the change of land price as a result of the change of time and space. Besides, it also studies the individual distinctiveness of single land under the combined influences. There are 12 inquisition areas in the research to be analyzed according to class and scope.' Two hundred and fifty three sample land prices are collected. During the gradual analysis on the three stages, it first proves that the bind price changes with the time and that the change conforms to the use and development of land in cities; Second, it measures and calculates the average price within an area, performs mathematical calculations of the class- land price model. It states that the class of land is closely related to the ground price, which embodies the special features of local area/Third, it analyzes the concrete land in the city area. The influenced price shifts from the average appearance of general district to individual factors. In this way, the effects of related factors are confirmed. Under the duce of these three stages, it follows the sequence and advances gradually to assess the price of a particular .land at some certain quotation point. This quotation point can deduce the former land price as well as predict the hereafter trend. The land price model be built with the adoption of these three -step analysis, it should be able to monitor the trends of land price in cities and towns.The main measures to perfect the monitor of land price development are as following: to keep the information of land management to aid the collection and process of the land price information; to track the trends. According to the national regulation, the standard ground price should be revised every two years. With the town development, to renew the space data and property of ground price in time, so as to supervise and control the development...
Keywords/Search Tags:land price, the development monitor, the characteristics of land price, GIS
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