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Our Country Official Ability Construction Policy Question Research

Posted on:2011-02-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360305456963Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Civil Service is an important party and state human resources, The organizers of the state and society, managers are agents of public power, executor. The quality of the civil service is directly related to the success of the party ,In recent years, China attaches great importance to the civil service capacity-building efforts, and have issued a number of laws and regulations, greatly promoted the capacity building of Civil Servants,However, further restricting our civil service capacity-building to carry out the policy barriers still exist, try this article from the current policy of our present situation of civil service capacity building, to further improve the civil service civil service capacity-building policies in China were studied to explore. In addition to the full text introduction, three parts.The first part described the civil service system, capacity, civil servants and civil service capacity-building policy capacity of the four elements of the concept, to achieve a civil service capacity-building , enacted relevant laws, regulations, rules and regulations, including around measures to achieve established goals, methods and mechanisms system, capacity-building policy areas should belong to. Second, the civil service capacity-building of the Policy Development carried out and the civil service capacity-building policies summarized the historical process of theoretical research, implementation of the "Provisional Regulations on State Civil Servants", implementation of the "Civil Law" in three stages,Third, capacity building of civil servants practical significance of studying policy issues are analyzed, emphasizing to meet the new century and new era for civil service capacity-building presented new challenges to adapt to the CPC Central Committee, State Council ,the overall civil service capacity building, civil service capacity Construction in many key issues, the need to strengthen civil service capacity-building Policy,Fourth, to strengthen civil service capacity-building analysis of policy issues need to study, mainly to meet the needs of the four aspects, namely, the need to achieve the rule of law, implementation of this strategy need to improve our civil service system of laws and regulations and address the needs of civil servants capacity-building needs within the dynamic.The second part of the first civil service capacity-building policies of the current situation in China was analyzed, analysis constitute the main focus on policy system, policy content and policy missing to three. First, capacity building of civil service policies in our country constitutes a legal system, enacted by the state's "constitution", "Civil Law" and "education and training of cadres (for trial implementation)", "training of civil servants (Trial)" and other laws and regulations and local and department of civil service capacity-building rules and regulations that constitute our system of civil service capacity-building policies and regulations,Second, from the hiring policy, selection and appointment policy, training policy, assessment policy and incentive policies on five aspects of civil service capacity-building in China at this stage made a comprehensive analysis of policy content; Finally, the policy on the basis of content analysis, and further capacity building on our civil service policies barriers were analyzed,The main problems found in selection and employment policy is not perfect, competition, insufficient incentives, evaluation policy is not scientific enough, not enough strength training restriction policy.The third part will focus on comprehensive and sound civil service management system proposed Improvement of Civil Servants from the six path of capacity-building policy,One is to improve the civil service hiring policies, strengthen the capacity needs. Should further emancipate the mind, in the earnest implementation of the "recruitment through examination" based on the principles, establish and improve the special recruitment of professionals and high-level talents, ways and means. Second, the selection of competition policy to improve the civil service, strengthening capacity-oriented. We should vigorously promote reform of the civil service selection system to further expand the scope of selection system, a wide range of competition system and the rotating system. Third incentive policies to improve the civil service, strengthening the capacity factor. In adherence to the "spiritual rewards and incentives combined with the spirit of the principles of incentive-based," based on appropriate incentives to increase efforts to develop performance-related pay policy and wage policy to favor junior civil servants, the establishment of the special task of the civil service bonus system , the implementation of civil service allowances and grass-roots work allowance clean. The fourth is to improve the civil service examination of the evaluation policy, strengthening the core ability. Comprehensive competency assessment to establish the evaluation index system for the core, assessment content and assessment standards, assessment methods for further reforms, different levels for different job classification assessment staff and strengthen the application of assessment results. Fifth, it is necessary to improve the training of civil servants restriction policy, strengthening the capacity of weight. Core competency training, study and formulate various types of civil service capacity building at all levels of standards to classify and categorize the training, and establishing an effective civil service training restraint mechanism, to the civil service capacity building and sector performance appraisal, civil service personal assessment, promotion, tenure , classification, treatment directly linked. Sixth is to improve the protection of civil service capacity-building policies, and strengthen capacity of the main. Capacity building of civil servants at all levels of government to determine the central tasks, drawn up work plans and annual plans, the government budget funds into the same level, the establishment of overall responsibility by the department main goal of leadership accountability and coordination mechanisms and to strengthen the system construction, base construction, teaching staff, teaching materials and the organization of forces.I Hope that our civil service capacity-building on policy issues, research, and further enrich our policy of civil service capacity building theory, the civil service capacity-building for China to provide reference for policy development.
Keywords/Search Tags:civil service, Capacity building, theory research
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