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Study On The Cender Ethics Value

Posted on:2011-12-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H ZhangFull Text:PDF
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As an eternal topical, gender relations is one of the fundamental relationships in thehuman society. After class society the ethical principle of gender is the authority of male power.And this principle has been set up both in China and the West. However, this value orientation isbased on the gender differences. It ignores the existence and independence of female, andpartially replaces the whole human interest with male interest. At the end of 18 century, westernwomen started to fight for their rights. Till the mid of 20 century, feminist theory gradually putforward the most important results - Gender Theory. These women thought the genderdifferences were the results of society, policy and culture structures. The reasons were notnatural factors, but social factors, and only through social reforms could a gender-equal societybeen established.We believe that modern society of gender value orientation should be ethical genderjustice, equality and harmony.Gender justice advocates the respect of gender differences. It means on the best resultwithin the reasonable limits. People should build up a justified value orientation in order toguarantee the fair distribution system between male and female.On the basis of real gender justice, we can further analyze the principles of equity. Thegender-equity meanly includes personality equity, right equity, opportunity equity, status equityand so on. At first people claimed that rights of male and female should be classified based onthe same standard. However, this method over looked women's characteristics, and eventuallybecame inequity. This attempt demonstrated it was not ground to use male's rights as thestandard, because it deviated from our initial desire. Therefore, we only gender differences inunder the premise of gender equality, equal to the difference is equal.Gender harmony reflect is a more ideal of sustainable development of the existence ofwomen with forms, it is a kind of new-style and interdependent, harmony, and commondevelopment of gender relations.The harmony in gender enriches the concepts of gender justiceand gender equity, and it is also the inevitable result of the development of gender theory.Therefore, we must insist in the coordination between male and female in order to create avaster space in this field.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gender difference, Gender justice, Gender equality, Gender harmony
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