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Study On The Status Quo And The Countermeasure Of Sex Education Of Junior High School Student Of Yugu Minority In Sunan County

Posted on:2007-02-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In view of the existing situation in Sex education to junior high school student in Yugu Minority in Sunan Autonomous County, the author took 420 students from the most representative five middle schools in the county the object of her study, which covered the natural disposition knowledge about sex demand, student's the idea about sex, physiological and psychological healthy sex knowledge as well as their sources of sexual knowledge and so on. The author have obtained the original material, which will greatly help to formulate the feasible sex education countermeasure as soon as possible, thus developing effectively sex education in these local junior high schools.After data analysis, the author discovered that there are come problems in healthy sex education in junior middle schools in Yugu minority:First, Students lacked both physiological and psychological sex hygiene knowledge;Second, few parents carried on the relevant instruction and the education to the children;Third, the schools failed to function appropriately in carrying sex education in the junior high schools as expected.In view of above plagues, this article aims at putting forward the following solutions for sex education in Yugu minority group:First, give full play to the family sex education;Second, schools should play it due part in sex education;1. Establish the puberty healthy sex education curriculum's status;2. Compile local teaching material on sex education;3. Conduct better teacher-training on puberty healthy sex education;4. Associate puberty sex education with self-education on the student part.5. Basic approaches to be adopted;6. Quality education module to be applied;Build a network of sex education through coorporation of schools family and society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Junior middle school student in Yugu Minority in Sunan Autonomous County, the status quo, the countermeasure of sex education
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