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A Research On The Influences Of The Graduate Student Training System On The Cultivation Of Graduate Students' Innovation Abilities

Posted on:2008-09-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The graduate students' education is the highest level talentedperson's education in our country.As the highest level of high education, its goal lies in training thehigh quality, the innovation graduate students. To raise innovationgraduate students, the key point is to train the graduate students'innovation ability. Training the graduate students' innovation abilityis the urgent need of constructing the innovation country, is the urgentneed of knowledge economy development, is the urgent need of theinternationalization tendency in education.The graduate students' innovation ability mainly includes theknowledge digestion ability, research designed capacity, theory ideaability, the front grasping ability. Graduate students' training systemmainly refers to: teacher choosing system, teacher instructing system,the curriculum and teaching system, the paper appraisal system. Thisarticle attempts from the angle "the graduate students' trainingsystem" to embark, mainly studies the graduate students' trainingsystem and the intrinsic logic and the mechanism of training thegraduate students' innovation ability, tries hard to explore the deeplevel constitutive reason which affects training the graduate students'innovation ability. The graduate students' innovation ability and thegraduate students' training system is closely linked, whether thetraining system is perfect directly affects the effect of training thegraduate students' innovation ability. The research indicated that,each system has various influence on the graduate students'knowledge digestion ability, research designed capacity, theory ideaability, the front grasping ability. The teacher instructing system, thecurriculum and the teaching system has remarkable correlation withthe graduate students' knowledge digestion ability, the research designed capacity. The paper appraisal system is therefore morerelated with the graduate students' theory idea ability, then the leadingedge of courses affects the graduate students' front grasping abilitydirectly.We discover many difficulties about system in the process oftraining the graduate students' innovation in ability through studies.This article discussed about these difficulties and proposed someconstructive suggestions to solving these difficulties.
Keywords/Search Tags:the graduate students' innovation ability, the graduate student training system, system difficulties, the view of Structure-functionism
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