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Research And Practice Of Information Technology Curriculum Resources

Posted on:2009-12-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H F WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360245473608Subject:Education Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Curriculum resources are very important for new curriculum reform, especially for improving the teaching quality of the school and promoting all-round development of the student. Now the information technology education is developing faster and faster in our country. But the construction of the curriculum resources of information technology has not being given enough attention, and little study about network-based curriculum resources is involved in the current. Network-based curriculum resources are a kind of new and effective course resources, and they are suitable for information technology curriculum especially. Network-based curriculum resources are the product of modern educational technology.This article nails down the concept and effect of curriculum resources of information technology, discusses the process and method about building the network-based curriculum resources. At the same time, a website about information technology curriculum network-based curriculum resources is built. This website can be used for the advanced train in the Microsoft?-Partners-in-Learning Project in China. The functions of the website are as follows: helping the information technology teachers in primary and middle school learn the advanced teaching material which is write by the Microsoft?-Partners-in-Learning Project in China, and this advanced teaching material associates new curriculum reform close; helping the IT teachers adapt the demands of new curriculum reform, grasp new teaching method and teaching idea; helping IT teachers renew knowledge, improve information literacy; affording teaching resources for course teachers; affording resources support about teaching and scientific research for course teachers. According to build the website, the content and method of the systemic analysis when building the course resources website are discussed in the paper, programming technology and interface design method are discussed too. Probation and opinion about the website are described in the finis of the paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:Information technology education, network-based curriculum resources, design, development
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