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The Cognitive Change And Its Influential Factors Of The Unemployment Reasons Of The Unemployed

Posted on:2009-06-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F H DingFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The research is based on the relevant theories of the social security, sociology, and social psychology (cognitive aspect).It is from the subjective angle of the unemployed, by collecting the data & materials through case interview, analyzed and studied about the cognition and its influential factors of the unemployment reason of the unemployed with the different nature characteristic, social characteristic.Based on the comparison and contrast of the unemployed people's cognitive analysis about their unemployment factors between the years 2004 and 2008, it has been found that gradually the unemployed are beginning to recognize their own factors, though not so enough as they attribute their unemployment more to such external factors as the government, enterprises or the society chiefly. Some basic conclusions has been reached on the cognitive factors of the unemployment, such as, gender does not influence the cognitive factors concerning the individual, the governmental or the enterprise and the female attribute more to the social factors compared to male unemployed.According to these conclusions, we believe that solving the unemployment problem is a system project, it requires the government, enterprises, social and individual's efforts. At the same time, it shows the relative discussion and shortages.
Keywords/Search Tags:Unemployment, the Unemployed, Unemployment Reason, Cognition
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