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On Juvenile Delinquency And Community Corrections

Posted on:2009-09-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360248950757Subject:Criminal Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Along with the process of human civilization, countries in the world continue to carry out the reform of the penal system and updating, try to use the most humane ,effective and civilized approach to crime and criminal, Community Correction is against this background that the birth of a new penalty methods. From the international community development, the penal system while upholding the imprisonment started vast apply non-custodial sentence, the application of Community Correction in many countries far exceeds the number of prison population, the United States, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong and other countries and regions in the criminal legislation and justice China has already established a Community Correction legal system, the system according to changes in the social life of crime and the changes in the progressive development, evolution, constantly readjust and perfect, as the current law stipulates that the application of criminal diverse, specialized agencies and personnel management supervision, and participation in social organizations, corrective measures norms, the effects are satisfactory execution is relatively complete legal system. Britain, the United States and other countries in the Community Correction system established to protect the public's safety and interests, correct and appropriate penalties combined focus on crime on the victim's injuries and influence, and it was again the community of crime and the prevention and reduction of crime, such as re - Correction principle, countries in the world the criminal justice system by the lamb. Community Correction abroad in modern society is able to Western countries generally accepted and adopted, because the underlying consists of a number of deep-seated reasonable theoretical basis, contains a wealth of values and ideals.In our society in transition, juvenile delinquency showing a new trend of high incidence of a series of new features and has become an urgent need to address global social problems. China on the traditional juvenile delinquency correction mode in the new situation facing serious challenges, can not effectively play the correction function. Crime causes of pluralism, multi-level nature, as well as juvenile own characteristics must be decided on juvenile offenders to take a more scientific and humane way of correction, community corrections is commonly used in today's world an effective way of correction.This paper linked the high incidence of juvenile delinquency status, the traditional analysis of the deficiencies correction mode, and feasibility studies on the application of Community Correction juvenile offenders need and feasibility of, and against our juvenile community correction of the existing problems in foreign juvenile Community Correction successful experiences, the China's juvenile community corrections concept.This paper is divided into six parts:First, Overview of Community Correction juvenile offenders. The part is divided into three paragraphs. My first paragraph of the content of the law, by "young", "minor", "Youth" three words that the connotation and extension of the analysis and to identify, clarify this paper, the object of the Community Correction is full 14 years under the age of 18 minors. Community Correction our country at this stage of minors that juvenile offenders. The second paragraph of the content from both theoretical and regulations explain the definition of Community Corrections, and clearly defined the nature of Community Correction is a non-custodial penalty for the implementation of social, community correction should be the main organs of the administration of justice. On this basis, the authors propose a further definition of Community Correction juvenile offenders. Contents of the third paragraph of juvenile offenders is on the theoretical basis for the Community Correction: tenets of Marxist philosophy, thinking Modesty penalties, the Penal Code humanitarian, as well as re-qualification of utilitarian thinking.Second, juvenile delinquency status, characteristics and cause analysis. The part is divided into two elements. Through the analysis of China's first juvenile crime and characteristics of the current status quo of China's juvenile crime situation grim, juvenile crime has young crime, gangs, as well as continued growth in the total number of crimes to the trend of increasing year by year, especially the number of juvenile recidivism increasing year by year, a "second malignancy," "three palace" phenomenon. Paragraph 2 of the specific social, family, school and personal reasons, to analyze the causes of juvenile crime. Overall, the contents of all of the above are discussed for the third part of Community Correction for juvenile offenders to apply the necessity and feasibility of award.Third, the application of Community Correction for juvenile offenders to the necessity and feasibility analysis. The part is divided into two elements. The first paragraph is the main content of the shortcomings of traditional correction mode (such as: the label effect, the prison sub-culture impact of cross-infection, and the complete social isolation impede the re-socialization of juvenile), as well as on the value of community corrections system and its significance. Content from the second paragraph from the sociological point of view (through the socialization of juvenile delinquency and community correction function and Community Correction two aspects to the analysis carried out on) and China's actual situation (such as: a profound ideological foundation for a perfect cooperation System results has been some experience, etc.) to the two juvenile community corrections to the necessity and feasibility of exposition.Fourth, the number of countries and regions minors, the practice of Community Correction mode. This quote parts of the United States, the United Kingdom and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region implemented the profile of juvenile community corrections, and summarizing and analyzing the above three countries and regions juvenile community correction mode in common, then I hope that our country in the Construction of Community Correction mode, be able to draw on the basis of actual conditions and the introduction of over seas advanced projects and practices.Fifth, China's juvenile community correction and lack of practice. The part is divided into five paragraphs. China is outlined in the first paragraph of a juvenile community corrections history. Second and third paragraphs were quoted as Shanghai, Beijing juvenile Community Correction practice Overview. Fourth is on some other parts of the characteristics of practical model. It is the final paragraph of juvenile offenders on the inadequacy of the Community Corrections Department (such as: the current implementation of the penalties on minors who lack the laws and regulations, community backward management, the implementation of Community Correction system is still not very good correction to the needs of the lack of response Correction of the plan and implement projects for minors lack the characteristics of Community Correction, Correction of the professional standards do not generally higher).sixth, my juvenile Mode of Community Correction. The part is divided into five parts. The five-paragraph correction from the well-developed laws and regulations, juvenile community corrections projects and the improvement of the principal (including the improvement of the existing projects and the introduction of foreign projects), and legal supervision, and the eradication of criminal blemish on five aspects, and strive to can be carried out as effectively as possible Community Corrections juvenile offenders, the protection of the legitimate rights of juvenile offenders is their greatest degree of social and in the end successful return to society.If the above errors and omissions in the content, please teacher corrected.
Keywords/Search Tags:Juvenile Offenders, Community Correction, Necessity, Feasibility, Mode
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