Purpose:As the physiological and bio-chemical indexes in most documents on the analysis of rowboat game exercises aim at abults, the young players of rowboat, owing to their special physiological features, can't be carelessly guided according to the indexes For the adults in their training or exercises. In view of such cases, the paper carries out some deep research or study about the features of the changes of blood lactic acid and heart rate concerning the young players of rowboat in the course of their training.Through its research,the paper explains in a positive way the two core issues in the game of rowboat,that is,the basic position of exercise with oxygen and the key position of intensity fixing so that it provides reliable theoretical basis and suitable physiological and bio-chemical indexes for the young players in their boat rowing exercises to come.Meanwhile,it supplies some effective exercise ways and means worthy of reference and adoption.Way of Research:Select as the research objects 10 young rowhoat players of the second class or above at the nationat level (male,14-16years old). Nake an evaluation and analysis of the aquatic excreise process of rowboat with blood lactie aeid and heart rate as means of improving the players' endurance adility with oxygen and that without oxygen.Results of Research: The test resbit of 20-minute-long aquatie boat rowing exercise is as follows:1. The test result of 12-minute-long aquatic boat rowing exercise is the following: Bla,2.88+0.88mmol/L heart rate, 154.4+3.06 times per minute.Hence,this kind of esercise applies to the basie exercise with oxygen. 2.the test result of 12-minute-long aquatic boat rowing exercise is the following:Bla, 3.89+0.44mmol/L;hears rate, 165.2+2.82 tines per minute. Compared with those of the study of adult games, the indexes in question show the intensity of lactate threshold in this test has a slightly higher heart rate and a somewhat lower figure of BLa. 3.The test result of six all-effort rows goes like this:the Bla after the first row is 6.72+0.03mmol/L and the heart rate is 165.60+2.50 times per minute. And the Bla after the sixth row is 12.33+0.03mmol/L. Therefore, this means of exercise is appropriate for improving the players'endurance ability of exercise without oxygen and against lactic acid.4. The test result after three two-minute-long all-effort rows is as follows:the Bla after the first row is 10.18+0.09mmol/L, and the heart rate is 175.90+2.23 times per minute. The Bla after the third row is 13.63+0.08mmol/L, and the heart rate is 185.40+1.43 t imes per minute. As a result, this means of exercise can be used to develop the players'utmost endurance ability against lactic acid.Conclusions and Suggestions of Research:1. The exercise of young players'rowboat game is based on endurance ability with oxygen and takes intensity as its core, so the process should attach great importance not only to the improvement of the players'endurance ability with oxygen but that without oxygen, too. In a way, the choice of proper intensity of physical load is the key to improving the players'endurance ability without oxygen.2.The test in this paper conducts some evaluation and analysis of a few means of rowboat exercises with the indexes of Bla and heart rate, the means of which exercise greatly improves the players'performances in the practice of their exercises. Hence the exercise means of the players' endurance ability with oxygen or without oxygen that are illustrated in this paper are useful and effective, and the research results or indexes from this paper can be used as strong basis in the young players'boat rowing exercise and its study.3. Compared with adult players, the young rowboat players shall bear a weaker intensity of physical load in their exercises under the guidance of their coaches. Yet what's the proper physical load for the young rowboat plavers remains uncertain, which requires further investigation and research. |