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Study Of Junior High School Teacher-student Conflict

Posted on:2007-10-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C J XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207360215469234Subject:Education Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The study was undertaken to find out the reason for the conflict between the students and teachers in middle schools in Development Zone in Dalian and the solution to this problem.The relation between teachers and students is the most basic one in schools. The interaction between teachers and students, which is an epitome of the interaction of society, has a direct influence on the school teaching. Owing to the many factors in school, such as sexes, grades, characters, backgrounds, the conflict between teachers and students is inevitable and quite common. How to get a proper understanding and what measures to take to solve this problem is valuable not only to healthy development of students but also to save trouble of the students in the future life..This manuscript discusses the phenomenon based on the survey study of middle school in Development Zone by means of both questionnaire and theoretic analysis together. The whole composition is divided into five chapters.Chapter One is to give a general description of the study. It includes the aim, the significance of this study. Also it introduces the previous students in this field in and out China.Chapter Two discusses the methodology for this study.Chapter Three is the result of the research ,which is indicated that:1.Looking on the whole , the conflict between teachers and students in Development Zone is thought to ordinary.2.There exists a quite different opinion on the recognition to this conflict.3.There is an obvious difference in sex,grade,character,background of students.4.There is also difference in many aspects .Chapter Four gives analysis on the reason for the conflict in the social perspective.Chapter Five is to give some suggestion to solve the problem.
Keywords/Search Tags:conflict between students and teachers, reason, countermeasure and suggestion
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