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Research On The Selection Status Of Female Cadres And Its Countermeasure In Gender Vision

Posted on:2013-01-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330362474584Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Party’s Fourth Plenary of sixteen session put forward the significance of theselection of women cadres to build a high-quality cadres. Outstanding women exercisethe right to manage state and social affairs in leadership positions at all levels, which isthe highest form of women’s political participation. Women’s participation in themanagement of the state and social affairs is not only a sign of the progress of socialdemocracy, but also an important symbol of the emancipation of women, which is ofgreat significance to building a socialist harmonious society. Female cadre selection canpromote the Marxist outlook on women, and is conducive to establish the high-qualitycadres. Women’s leadership has become a beautiful landscape in the political arena, agrowing number of women cadres have taken leadership positions at all levels of theparty and government enterprises, and have a lot of progress in quantity and quality.However, female’ s participation in politics has not yet reached the ideal state, and mostwomen are deputies, and have the "glass ceiling" effect in the promotion. Based on thestatus of women in politics from the unique perspective of gender theory, the reportanalyze the factors affecting women’s selection. Due to the existence of the genderconcept, there has been discrimination for women, which also affects the socialacceptance to female cadres. The low overall quality also affect the height of promotionof women cadres. Female cadre selection policy have the unprecise words, and it isdifficult to implement the preferential policies. The cadre personnel system restrict theselection of women cadres, reflecting the appointment lack a systematic and long-termplanning, and lack a fair, open, scientific evaluation criteria. In the process of selectionand training, it lacks continuity and stability for women cadres. Based on theproblems of women cadres selection, this paper proposes measures to promote womencadres selection fair and science, first, it needs to optimize the environment for thegrowth of female cadres, get rid of obsolete thinking, create a good social environmentfor the growth of female cadres, and optimize policy environment. Second, it needs toestablish and improve the female cadre selection system, scientific design the femalecadre selection and appointment system, establish a sound female cadre selection, andthe leadership responsibility system of women cadres selection. Finally, it needs tovigorously improve the overall quality of female cadres.
Keywords/Search Tags:women cadres, social gender, female cadres selection, the selection policy
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