In recent years, with the further development of economic and social reform, theChinese social environment has obviously changed. These problems are put forward morechallenges to our social security comprehensive management. Social security also will befaced with more new features and problems. In this case, the most urgent need is to adopt asuitable governance model to solve the existing problems. This thesis is based on thecomprehensive management of community policing in order to further discuss about thesocial security comprehensive management. It is mainly from three-part discussion. Thefirst part is about the definition and the characteristics of the social security comprehensivemanagement and comprehensive management of community policing; the second part ismainly analyzing the American Fourth Police movement that is about its development,and characteristics to explore the elements of which we can learn. In the third part, I havefocused on community policing comprehensive management of the four modes; withthe analysis of the present law and the current difficulties, we propose the diversifiedcommunity policing model is the inevitable choice of our community policing model andpath dependence. |