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Legal Protection Of The Villagers’ Autonomy In China

Posted on:2013-12-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330395486184Subject:Science of Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As an important part of China’s grassroots democracy, grassroots democratic self-government system established by our Constitution, is the rural reforms of the eighties of last century, especially in rural China since the1990s, an unprecedented democratic practice, the implement has profound basis of constitutional theory and constitutional value. After30years of practice, the system has become more mature. The villagers’ autonomy went to today was not easy. Today, however, the villagers’self-government is still facing a difficult situation, the villagers’ autonomy frequently intrusive. During the operation of the villagers’ autonomy also revealed many problems. Within the village self-governing body, the serious function of dislocation and loss of function of the villagers ’self-government organizations, villagers’ autonomous organizations function status is unclear, resulting in lack of expression of the interests of the villagers, the economic demands are not met. Inappropriate constraints on the villagers ’self-governing body development in the village outside the local government at all levels of administrative power or even destroy, such as the tension between the two committees, the government too much government interference in the villagers’ autonomy. The face of the implementation process of the villagers ’autonomy was against the current lack of legal protection mechanisms, many problems of the above block of the operation and development of villagers’ autonomy. Therefore, the urgent need to further improve the villagers ’autonomy of the legal system, to coordinate a smooth relationship, to ensure the healthy development of villagers’ autonomy system.This article from the reality of Villagers Autonomy mechanism operating conditions starting segment of villagers’ autonomy from the internal operating mechanism and the external operating mechanism. The problems on during the operation of the internal mechanism and external mechanisms of villagers ’autonomy caused by obstruction and against the backdrop of the reality of development of the country, to reconstruct the operation of the villagers’ autonomy. By drawing on the modern "will" system in order to achieve autonomy in internal operation mechanism of checks and balances. In addition, we analyzed the lack of legal protection mechanisms for existing villagers autonomy to the improvement of the legal system of the legislative level; broaden the judicial remedies available to the villagers ’autonomy, administrative remedies, such as Remedy and litigation mechanisms; and improve the villagers’ autonomy legal aid path. Strive to play the role of escorting the villagers autonomy to run in order to solve the problems of China’s villagers autonomous legal system.
Keywords/Search Tags:self-governance among villagers, Villager autonomy, operating mechanism forthe village autonomy, legal protection
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