As the New Curriculum Reform gives right direction to the teachingpractice, the teaching conception including full respect for thestudents’ personality diversity and protagonist status and cultivation ofthe students’ comprehensive qualities is more and more permeatingthrough the teaching practice. But on the other aspect, the effect fromingrained conception of teaching for examination still exists, such as theinclination of emphasizing theory more than practice, emphasizingacceptance more than interaction, emphasizing knowledge more thancapability, and those questioned phenomenon is needed to beeliminated. On the aspect of teaching method, the lecturing methodstill plays a dominant role in most high schools; on the aspect of classatmosphere, the teacher also grasps the speaking authority, theopenness and interaction of the class is insufficient; and on the aspectof students’ self-location, the students tend to be listeners to echo theteacher and the receivers to revere the theories. Therefore, it isnecessary to innovate the teaching idea by diversifying the teachingmethods, since it is called for the reform of the ideology and politicslesson, the self-promotion of teachers as well as the development of thestudents. In this paper, the application of Case-teaching method inhigh school ideology and politics lesson is analyzed deeply. Togetherwith the characteristics and advantages of Case-teaching, the contentof ideology and politics lesson as well as practical experience, the thesisdisplays the significance of the application of Case-teaching method inhigh school ideology and politics, the status in quo of theCase-teaching application and renders some strategic thoughts andadvices for enhancing the effectiveness of Case-teaching method.The thesis is divided into four parts. Part I is the introductionconcerning the relevant notions and the literature review. It includes the notion of Case-teaching, relevant supporting theories and the domesticand overseas exploration status in quo. Part II considers the significanceof the Case-teaching application in high school ideology and politics.The angle of analysis covers the acquiring of knowledge, the cultivationof different abilities as well as the persuasion of mainstream value. PartIII refers the presentation of status in quo of Case-teaching applicationin high school ideology and politics lesson. And in the part IV, somerecommendations of the applications of case-teaching method areprovided. It refers some practical and detailed strategies for dealingwith the tasks of the pre-class stage, during-class time and after class.Some great effects has been brought by the using ofCase-teaching on some subjects, but the application of Case-teachingmethod in high school ideology and politics lesson is still at thebeginning. Through the analysis on practice, Case-teaching methodwill also render sound effect on high school ideology and politics lesson.We need to explore further in the teaching practice, to accumulateexperience from the practices, to summarize theory from experience,and to use correct theories and questing spirit as the support of ourteaching practice. |