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The Analysis Of Large Cross Regional Ecological Compensation Mechanism Of Water Transfer Project

Posted on:2013-07-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W ChengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330371492084Subject:Regional Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The large trans-regional water transfer project is a way of the rational development, utilization and redistribution of water resources mainly through adjusting the water surplus and shortage, which is one of the most effective and scientific ways to solve the problem of the uneven distribution of water resources in respects of time and space. The middle route project of south-north water transfer project is a crucial engineering to redistribute the water in different regions. The engineering construction not only can alleviate the water crisis in Beijing and Tianjin in northern China but also will greatly improve the ecological and investment environment in and along the beneficial region promoting the economic development in north-central China area, boosting the harmonious development among different regions. Thus, the construction of the project has important strategic significance.As the Danjiangkou reservoir is the water source of the south-north water transfer project, the water quality has a direct influence on the residents’ life and economic construction in the receiving region. Therefore, the project requires high quality water supply from the water source, which not only need vast money investment in ecological protection and construction, but also need to restrict or even ban the development of the enterprises there, increasing the opportunity cost of the economic and social development. The externalities and public nature of the ecological resources and the imperfection of the ecological compensation mechanism result the unfair distribution of the ecological and economic benefit between the protectors, beneficiaries and the destroyers:the benificiaries can enjoy the ecological service with low or even no cost; the protectors can hardly receive the deserved compensation and the destroyers don’t have to pay the corresponding cost. This will not only influence the enthusiasm of ecological construction in the water source area, but will also expand economic and social gap between regions. In order to achieve harmonious regional development, it is necessary to reverse and adjust the distribution pattern of interests, constructing a perfect ecological compensation mechanism. According to the analysis above, this paper focuses on the construction of ecological compensation mechanism in Danjiangkou. In the process of the construction of the ecological compensation mechanism, the compensation subject and object should be made clear first. Then the critirea of the compensation should be determined and finally the compensation mechanism, which contains the government compensation and the market compensation, be constructed.As to the compensation amount, it’s first calculated by measuring the ecological-service value and ecological-service cost respectively, upon which, the final compensation amout is determined by using the comprehensive analysis method. Then, the acurate compensation amout each beneficial region is responsible for can be made clear according to the financial coefficient, which is calculated by per capita financial revenue and expenditure.As to the compensation mode, two corresponding compensation mode should be constructed based on government compensation mechanism and market compensation mechanism respectively.Among them,the government mainly compensates through financial transfer payment by calculating the longitudinal transfer payments and lateral transfer payments based on fund. The markets realize the ecological compensation by exploring the water right auction mechanism.
Keywords/Search Tags:cross regional water transfer project, Danjiangkou reservoir, ecological compensation, government compensation, market compensation, financial transfer payment system, water right transaction
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