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Juvenile Delinquency Research

Posted on:2014-07-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L YangFull Text:PDF
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In recent years, as China’s economic structure and great changes in lifestyle,our crime rate has also been showing an upward trend, in which juveniledelinquency is increasing year by year. Trigger causes of juvenile delinquency andjuvenile crime prevention for this problem gradually in front of us, how to reducejuvenile crime, in front of us to become a top priority. The basic characteristics ofjuvenile delinquency is mainly manifested in less life experience, inexperienceddeep, relatively pure motives and purposes, the main suspects were minors exhibitblind worship of money and material comforts to meet their own desires, vanitystrong in the survey study found that juvenile delinquency and more to seizure ofproperty for the purpose of theft, robbery and other crimes against property-basedmostly, and varying degrees of violence Strip, in the form and means of committingthe crime has emerged, and different from the past new features, such as high-techcrime occurred, also has a criminal means madness, brutality and othercharacteristics. Causes of juvenile delinquency by many factors, sum it up, mainlyfrom internal and external aspects, internal unhealthy because of their personality orpsychological unsound outside because of family, school, social education ismissing. Specific reasons are: minor mental capacity is not strong, impulsive act,educational level is not high, lack of awareness of the law, their overall low quality;poor family environment and improper teaching methods; thinking naive immature,social experience little more than ideas, the ability to distinguish right poor;pornography, horror, murder, violence books and audio-visual products to booterror values; school education, the lack of education on the legal concept and so on.So, how to minors create a good environment for the growth of healthy, findeffective ways to prevent juvenile delinquency, the juvenile crime rate to aminimum, has long been the theoretical and practical circles continued to exploreone of the topics. This will be China’s juvenile delinquency causes and find solutions to the prevention of juvenile delinquency to explore ways of doing a plainpaper is divided into the following four parts:The first part is: minors and juvenile delinquency concept. This part is mainlyfor minors and minors elaborate the concept of crime, juvenile delinquency mustunderstand scientific understanding of the characteristics and properties of minors,minors and juvenile delinquency understand these two concepts are our research hasled to the cause of juvenile delinquency as well as for us to explore how to preventjuvenile delinquency foundation.The second part is: the characteristics of juvenile delinquency. Never point anadult nature of the crime, juvenile crime types increased, and in the majority ofcrimes against property, and many are accompanied by violent crime; Judging fromthe subject of crime, juvenile delinquency are based more on the way criminal gangsappeared, and no trend in crime and adults younger age, lower schooling; crimeresults from the point of view, showing that juvenile delinquency tend to havebarbarism; crime means crazy, savage; motive for the crime has burst; crime havecontinuity; organizational structure combined with criminal gangs and couplingresistance; criminal intent and criminal means having burst with cruelty; motive forthe crime is unitary; retaliatory criminal psychology and mentality of the rebelliousnature of crime and criminal means tends adult, intelligent, violent, and youngerage.Part III: Analysis of the causes of juvenile delinquency. Causes of juveniledelinquency is divided into two parts, internal and external factors. Mainly refers tominors own internal problems, external factors including family environment,school education, and social impacts. Only to find the cause of juvenile delinquencyto find the crux of the problem, the right remedy, so plan ahead, make theprevention of juvenile delinquency.Part IV: effective prevention of juvenile delinquency. To strengthen familyeducation; strengthen social security comprehensive management, and continuouslypurify the social environment of the growth of minors; give full play to the role ofthe main channel of schooling is to promote the healthy growth of minors and crimeprevention decisive part; setting counseling agencies and vigorously minors to carry out related research legal issues; vigorously carry out the work of minors and legaleducation, multi-channel, multi-form to carry out law popularization activities;legal departments harm minors should crack down on the growth of various crimes,while earnestly minors special group of helpers conversion work, establish andimprove the juvenile justice system; improve community-based prevention ofjuvenile delinquency, and here is the perfect community prevention focuses on thecontents of this section. Hope that through these preventive measures and means tomake the article more practical significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Juvenile Delinquency, Cause, Effective Prevention
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