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The Research On Standardization Of Accountable Official Comeback

Posted on:2013-05-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M YiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2266330428961085Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With a series of serious accidents happened in recent years, a large number of heavyweight officials who are responsible for these accidents are held accountable. It set off a storm called "administrative accountability". However, because these officials come back one by one soon, it become the focus issue which had been questioned by many people. Therefore, theoretical and academic circles make some research on officials’back and achieve certain results. On the basis of the results of these studies, this article elaborate on the officials ’back’ meaning、anomie and their causes and standardized paths comprehensively.In my view, there are mach anomie on the officials’back in own country, such as most of the officials who are held accountable back low-key, the openness and transparency is insufficient, the time from accountability to the back is short and so on. T The reasons of these anomie are profound, it can be summarized as the following four: first, the law rule of officials’back is nor perfect; second, the related systems of officials’ back is imperfect; third, the understanding to executive accountability and officials’back is incorrect; four, the far-reaching implications of traditional officialdom culture. To regulate the officials’back in China, we must follow the following several paths:firstly, speed up the legal construction of the officials’back; secondly, we must strengthen the construction of the officials’back; thirdly, strengthen the ideological education, get rid of the influences of traditional officialdom culture.
Keywords/Search Tags:Accountable Official Comeback, Information Disclosure, Anomie, Standardization
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