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A Study On The Problems And System Improvement Of Accountable Officials’ Comeback

Posted on:2018-03-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P F ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2346330518976589Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Building accountable officials’ comeback system,allow officials to re-assume leadership positions in accordance with the statutory procedures,when they meet the certain conditions,is a rational and friendly embodiment of system.It can effectively regulate the exercise of administrative power,prevent official from abusing the power to corrupt the image of the government,optimize structure and quality of government personnel,promotes the government’s social governance capacity,thereby promoting social harmony,effectively promote the development of political civilization in our country.But now there are some problems in the practice of accountable officials’ comeback system,for example,the phenomenon of accountable officials’ disorderly comeback,seriously violate the civil political rights,so social public doubt the objective and reasonable of accountable officials’ comeback system,it threatens our responsible government construction process.In the practice of accountable officials’ comeback system,there are some factors that influence the order and rationality of accountable officials’ comeback evolution process and results.such as normative institutional basis,effective internal management mechanism,reliable control environment.If we can not achieve the effective construction of these elements,it will make the process of accountable officials comeback can not be the normal evolution,which lead to the disorderly phenomenon of accountable officials’ comeback.Therefore,to improve the effective construction of accountable officials’ comeback system,government should strengthen these aspects’ construction,to provide the accountable officials’ comeback management process an effective running carrier and standardized basis,and effective government internal management mechanism,and strengthen the construction of allograft participation mechanism and the the culture of administrative responsibility,to effective restrict the accountable officials’ comeback,and ultimately achieve accountable officials’ orderly comeback.
Keywords/Search Tags:accountability system, official comeback, disorder phenomenon, responsible government
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