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Yongzhou Daoxian County The Countryside Junior Middle School Sports And Health Curriculum Resources Development Present Situation And Countermeasure Research

Posted on:2014-07-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R Z AiFull Text:PDF
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Daoxian County Road, Yongzhou is located in the south of Hunan Province,and Guangdong, adjacent to Guangxi, known as the " Lapel with Guangdong andGuangxi, shielding sunshine said, is an important traffic hub in southwest Hunan, is thePearl River Delta industrial transfer undertaking base. In recent years, with thedevelopment of industrial transfer from the Pearl River Delta, Daoxian County’s rapideconomic development, but the development of education is lagging behind. In order tospeed up the development of education in Daoxian County, to promote the harmoniousdevelopment of economy and culture in Daoxian County, starting from the research anddevelopment of physical education and health curriculum resources, speed up thedevelopment of sport in Daoxian County, promoting Daoxian County’s educationalprogress, meet the requirement of the harmonious development of the whole of DaoxianCounty. Daoxian County education system a total of75schools,77.3%in rural areas,including a total of eight rural towns,31junior high school, and sports is the weak linkof education in Daoxian County. Study of sports and health curriculum resourcesdevelopment of rural junior middle school in Yongzhou of Daoxian County is moreconducive to the development of the sports school in Daoxian County, at the same time,extensive research of physical education and health curriculum resources development,perfect the system of theoretical research, providing theoretical and practical experiencefor the research and implementation of rural middle school sports and health curriculumresources in Yongzhou Daoxian County the development of the.In this paper, through the analysis and research of the method of literature,questionnaire, expert interview, on-the-spot investigation, present situation andCountermeasures of mathematical statistics method, action research method inYongzhou Daoxian County middle school sports and health curriculum resourcesdevelopment of. The study found the whole of Daoxian County rural junior middleschool sports and health curriculum resources are not balanced, the human resources ofthe higher education level, but the curriculum resources development consciousness isnot strong, curriculum resources development was relatively good, but the emergingsports project development is not much, natural and geographical resourcesdevelopment is relatively backward, the development of sports facilities and equipmentresources the difference is relatively large, relatively good qualified, not qualifiedschool is relatively backward, the time resource, information resource and otherresources have larger development space.In order to accelerate the development of resources of the whole of Daoxian Countysports and health curriculum development, should increase the external humanresources, non qualified school sports facilities and equipment resources, the use of modern information technology resources, new sports resources, extracurricular timeresources. In order to accelerate the development of these resources, should first obtainsfrom the concept, system, and then through the big break sports activities, school games,timing organization watch sports programs and other means to accelerate their timeresources, external human resources, sports information resources development, at thesame time, in the development of these resources in the development process also payattention to China’s education system, handle the relationship between the state, localand School of the three, the development of targeted, pay attention to cultivate teachersdevelopment ability.
Keywords/Search Tags:DaoXian, the countryside junior middle school, qualified schools, physical education and health, curriculum resource development
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