Based on the Population Economists and Labor Economists’ researches in the relevant field, this paper conducts a systematic theoretical analysis and empirical testing on the influence of population structure changes on economic participation of Labor. The innovation of this research lies in the initially established theoretical framework of the study, and the analysis of the study combined demographic and econometric methods from both macro and micro aspects. The paper mainly has the following conclusions:(1) From a macro perspective, the paper testifies that the population structure changes has an significant impact on the economic participation of labor and using the modified demographic standardization method, I calculate the effect share of the population structure. Changes in the population age structure which makes labor force participation rate has dropped by0.22percentage points and the population gender structure change makes the labor force participation rate has dropped by0.08percentage points;(2)At the micro factors, on the basis of the individual labor participation decision theory, the author uses binary logistic regression to testify whether personal, family and other social factors influence the labor force participation decision significantly. The results shows that economic participation of labor decisions are significant different between male and female. Male are more inclined to participate in economic activities compared to female. As to the impact of age is not a simple linear impact, but an inverted U-shaped.(3) The micro decisions affect the macroeconomic level of labor participation. To integrate past two conclusions, the level of Female’s participation in economic activities is lower than male’s, but in recent years the proportion of women in the population has increases, which lowers the overall economic participation rate in the economy to some extent. In addition, as we knows, the level of economic activity participation of middle-aged working-age population is higher than other age group, while with the aging of the economically active population age inside structure, the overall level of economic activity participation also dropped. |