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The Study On Sino-US Relations Under The American Strategy Of “Asia Pacific Rebalancing”

Posted on:2016-02-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330470463961Subject:International politics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As countries of international influence, both China and America occupy a predominant position in international architecture.Nowadays, for one hand, China enjoys a rapid development,becoming the second largest economy in the world, for another, America is relatively weak, falling into a dangerous situation of slump economy and troubles both internal and external.Under this circumstance, Mr.Panetta, Minister of the United States Department of Defense proposed “Re-balance in Asia-Pacific Region”Strategy on the closing ceremony of Shangri-La Dialogue on June,3th,2012, in order to maintain the leadership in Asia-Pacific Region and its national interests. It is hoped to balance the increasing influence of the emerging countries in Asia-Pacific to shift the focus to the east part of the world.It’s worth noting that the reason for America to focus on Asia-Pacific Region again is to counterbalance China. Therefore, America took a series supporting measures in many areas after the Strategy was put forward. Politically, it strengthened the relationship with Asia-Pacific countries, especially its allied countries. Economically,it accelerated the negotiation of Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement. Militarily,it strengthened the regional military deploy. It is easy to find that the “Re-balance in Asia-Pacific Region”Strategy is a new expression and form of pragmatism and hegemonism of America that is centering on the counterbalance of China, relying on the allied countries and aiming to maintain its own influence.Against the further implementation of the “Re-balance in Asia-Pacific Region”Strategy, it is necessary for China to take effective responding measures to counter, in case of passive situation. First of all, China should deepen the understanding and accurately realize the status of China-US Relations. Then,the voice of China should be enhanced and the Asia-Pacific architecture should be improved. Last but not least,China should take active measures to build a new China-US Relations. In a word, the respective interest of China and America in Asia=Pacific Region can be only achieved in a harmonious way and through building a new relationship of mutual respect, cooperation and win-win outcome. Only in this way can Asia-Pacific Region enjoy a stable and ever-lasting peace in real sense.Besides the introduction and conclusion,there are four parts in this paper. Part One describes the “Re-balance in Asia-Pacific Region”Strategy of America in details, including the background,motivation, contents and characters of the“Re-balance in Asia-Pacific Region”Strategy. Part Two mainly introduces the factors relating China of the “Re-balance in Asia-Pacific Region”Strategy of America, including the meaning of the factors relating China and its motivation and background.Part Three shows the impact of the “Re-balance in Asia-Pacific Region”Strategy of America, including the impact on China and China-US Relations. Part Four Introduces the China-US Relations in the future,mainly relating to the trends of the Relations and the responding strategies of China.
Keywords/Search Tags:Re-balance in Asia-Pacific Region, China-US Relations, Influence, Responding strategies
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