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An Organizational Performance Im-Provement Strategy Study Based Benchmarking Manage-Ment Theory Of Jiangmen Forestry Bureau,Guangdong Province

Posted on:2017-03-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330503962658Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, for local government performance management has emerged as one of the important management practices for sustainable development of our government, it is for local governments to enhance management performance, reform of local government practice, it has a very important role. At the same time, in our part of the local government sector, the gradual introduction of a more advanced performance management concepts and methods, such as the typical benchmarking theory. From the theory and practice of domestic and international experience, the use of benchmarking management theory, through the establishment of benchmark objects, facilitate the implementation of the body to find the gap between themselves and the benchmark object, define their problems in order to better improve the implementation performance of the body. However, from the current situation, local governments in China still lack benchmarking application performance management awareness and practice, many local governments focus only on the form of benchmarking, not in-depth study of its essence, makes the application of the theory of benchmarking lack of depth, failed to achieve the desired effect, we need to continue to improve.In view of this, this paper Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province Forestry Bureau, for example,launched a benchmarking study of management in local government performance management.Firstly, the related application of theory to expand domestic and foreign benchmarking study,based on concepts and benchmarking, the core process of benchmarking local government performance and the basic definition and promotion of benchmarking local government performance management role are described; on this basis, the performance management status of Jiangmen Forestry benchmarking to analyze, process and defined the basic pattern of the SFA benchmarking applications, to further tap its problems, analysis, benchmarking applications in Jiangmen Forestry application performance management, and application effect, subject benchmarking analysis, comprehensive application and many other aspects there are problems,these problems with the Jiangmen Bureau of the nature of cognitive benchmarking, learning theory, methods and implementation of policy support important aspects of the relationship. Then,Based on the Milwaukee Fire Department, Tennessee utilities sector and China’s Yantai City Bureau of benchmarking performance management application experience to analyze, draw a wide range of inspiration. According to these revelations, combined with the actual situationJiangmen Bureau, the paper further countermeasures and suggestions from the legal level, the management level and the protection level to promote the application of benchmarking in the Performance Management Bureau.This study, to further improve the research of local government performance management,create efficient local government bodies has a positive meaning; at the same time, the theory of local government performance management applications, will help promote this theory in our various local government departments in general expand applications, and gradually form from each other and continue to improve the application of the good atmosphere and the promotion of a service-oriented local government building.
Keywords/Search Tags:Benchmarking, organizational performance, performance evaluation, benchmarking, incentive
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