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Research On Industrial Structure Optimization Of Tianjin From The Perspective Of Low-carbon City

Posted on:2016-10-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330470455844Subject:National Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the late20th century, climate change is exerting a more and more profound impact on the existence and development of mankind and becoming a major challenge and concern in front of all governments and people of the world, who are actively seeking methods and solutions to this problem. Characterized by low consumption, low pollution and high efficiency, low-carbon economy has become the primary choice for the problem involving resource-saving, environment protection and social development since the concept was proposed. As the center of human activities, the construction of low-carbon city becomes an important way of sustainable development. In terms of Tianjin, the city which is in progress of industrialization and urbanization, how to optimize industrial structure and promote the transformation of economic development pattern, is the foothold of this thesis. Specific research of this thesis includes:theoretical explanations for the evolution of industrial structure, status industrial structure and measurement of carbon emissions, optimization model of industrial structure based on economic growth and carbon emissions, policy recommendations for optimization of industrial structure.On the basis of sustainable development and industrial structure evolution theory, this thesis combined industrial structure with carbon emission, analyzed the status of industrial structure and calculated the quantum of carbon dioxide emission of Tianjin, categorized11low-carbon industries,18medium-carbon industries and10high-carbon industries. And then, given a constant technology level of energy saving and carbon emission reduction, this thesis set a multi-objective linear programming model to simulate the process of industrial structure optimization, with the aim of economic growth and carbon emission reduction, under the constraints of economic efficiency, environmental protection, energy savings, security of employment and industrial development. Based on the analysis of above, the thesis put forward suggestions of industrial structure optimization from overall level of industrial rationalization and gentrification and segmented level of primary industry, secondary industry and tertiary industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Low-carbon city, Industrial structure, Carbon emission measurement, Linear programming model
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