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Under The Background Of New Course Standard Of Wu Su No.1 Middle School Of Xin Jiang Art Appreciation Course Effective Classroom Study

Posted on:2017-05-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W W XuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Under the background of college entrance examination system reform,effective teaching is an urgent problem to be solved in the teaching process.However research of senior middle school appreciation effective teaching is the core problem of senior high school art class.Especially for teaching,how to learn the art knowledge and complete teaching objective with high efficiency is very important."Effective teaching",from its literary meaning,refers to achieve a certain effective teaching effectively,usefully within a certain period of time.No one would want their teaching invalid,so teachers are always pursuing classroom teaching effectiveness all the time,just like Quafo pursuing one thing persistently and never giving up.The purpose of this paper is to improve the efficiency of teachers' daily teaching work,and perfect the new education idea of the education teaching management and evaluation system.Based on the research,this paper puts forward some simple,workable,useful,and practical teaching methods.This article is divided into six parts: the first part is introduction,including the selected topic reason,the thesis research purpose,research significance,the domestic and foreign research on effective teaching and effective classroom teaching of fine arts research status quo analysis of the high school fine arts appreciation effective classroom teaching theory,research objectives,research contents and the key to solve problems,subject to the research method of subject of innovation;Including high school art appreciation effective classroom teaching theory in this paper,the meaning of art appreciation and effective meaning,the meaning of the concept of effective teaching,the effective class,the framework of effective teaching,effective teaching characteristics of three modes of effective teaching.The second part is a high school art appreciation class teaching present situation analysis(WuSu no.1 middle school of XinJiang,for example).Divided into the characteristics of the high school fine arts appreciation course,the present situation of the high school fine arts appreciation course including survey method,questionnaire,survey results summary analysis,the results of the survey,influence on the effectiveness of high school art appreciation class teaching aspects such as teachers and students;The third part is the effective high school art appreciation course teaching design,including modern instructional designconcept,according to their aptitude preset multidimensional goal difference teaching,optimizing teaching contents by teaching to the teaching material to use,the reasonable design the teaching process to lead students to develop in an all-round way.The fourth part tells the implementation of the high school fine arts appreciation course effective classroom,including preparation before class,effective preparation effective classroom teaching equipment,the use of effective demonstration,effective organization of teaching,high school fine arts appreciation course effective classroom evaluation.The fifth part,based on WuSu no.1 middle school of XinJing art appreciation course effective teaching practice,this part of my own daily classroom teaching practice,combined with classroom teaching case in the form of a picture show the art appreciation course classroom teaching effectively.And also did show up to other teachers in class.The sixth is divided into conclusionsThis paper adopts the data access,reading professional literature,and situation analysis on students' classroom performance,and problems with reference to other teachers and classroom experience,with the way your own practice,factors which affect;In view of old teacher good classroom,on the basis of combining general reasonable teaching ideas,induction high school art effective classroom experience.Through the results reaction in classroom practice,and got certain achievements in classroom teaching.Have a strong practice and operation significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:The new curriculum standards, High school fine arts appreciation, Effective classroom, Effective teaching
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