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The Research Of Aesthetic Education Theory In Junior High School Art Teaching

Posted on:2017-07-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C LuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330512454579Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Explore the essence of beauty is the nature of every man, aesthetic education for junior middle school students, cultivate their correct aesthetic values, help them develop their own feeling beauty, appreciating beauty, exhibit beauty and create beauty ability is obeys the law of people’s physical and mental development of aesthetic activities. The development of this subject mainly through the three kinds of research methods, to ensure the smooth completion of this topic. The first research methods as literature, art aesthetic teaching for junior high school stage to retrieve the theme, for screening and analysis of relevant research literature, summarized the junior middle school fine arts aesthetic teaching theory knowledge, applied to the practice of this subject. The second observation method, combining with the author’s art teaching practice, in every link in the teaching of art osmosis aesthetic teaching content, to observe the effect of aesthetic education, by osmosis, gradually improve the aesthetic ability of students. The third case analysis, by starting from the specific teaching content of fine arts classroom teaching, combining the art aesthetic characteristics, objectives, teaching mode, effect and so on case analysis, can be’ closely combined with the author’s own teaching practice and learning characteristics of students, to conduct targeted art aesthetic teaching in middle school. In general, the above three methods of application, as this topic argument provides a strong guarantee.This paper mainly through the following several aspects to carry out, the first is to carry out the significance, methods and research status of this project, such as the content general expatiation. Followed by the junior middle school fine arts teaching of aesthetic education to carry out the analysis of the significance. And then to the junior middle school fine arts teaching of the cultivation of student’s aesthetic personality. Next is the aesthetic education in junior middle school fine arts teaching to carry out the strategy of research. Finally is the conclusion on the research of the full text is summarized and put forward the junior middle school fine arts teaching the good countermeasure for the development of the strategic of aesthetic education, made a vision for the development of the middle school fine arts teaching.
Keywords/Search Tags:aesthetic education, aesthetic perception, personality, development
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