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Research On The Countermeasures Of The High-level Scientific And Technological Personnel Introduction Of Zhongshan District Of Dalian City

Posted on:2017-12-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C X BiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330512969602Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,with the rapid development of science and technology as well as the global economy,the demand of high-level scientific and technological personnel is also increasing.As the core strength of science and technology,the high-level scientific and technological talents is not only the core strategic resources and technology enterprises,but also an important strategic reserves of the region and the country.But for the moment,high-level scientific and technological talent is still in short supply,coupled with many deficiencies in the development process,which allows high-level scientific and technological personnel turnover rate is relatively high.Therefore,how to introduce and retain the high-tech talent,which can enhance core competitiveness,has been become the most important thing in our country’s economic development.Zhongshan district,as a core area of Dalian city center,is enriched in the development of a variety of high-end elements.In recent years,high and new technology industry and modern service industry has been become the core industry in Zhongshan district,while making up the scientific talent system than before.But there still has a big problem in the introduction of talent,such as the shortage of high-level scientific and technological personnel,the cost of talent introduction remains high,high attrition rates and the like.These problems on the one hand lead to Zhongshan district of high-level scientific and technological talent introduction bottlenecks appear,on the other hand also to build Zhongshan district personnel system some difficulties.Therefore,actively exploring the high-level scientific and technological personnel introduction of Zhongshan district is not only improving the talent system building,but also promoting economic stability in high speed development.The article is researching on the countermeasures of the high-level scientific and technological personnel introduction of Zhongshan district,based on the research methods of questionnaire and interview.Based on relevant theoretical basis and the realities of the situation,the article discussing the existing problems and analyzing its basic reasons in Zhongshan district.Through researched relevant experience for reference in the domestic other areas,the article put forward the countermeasures of the high-level scientific and technological personnel introduction of Zhongshan district,in order to afford some help for introducing talents of Zhongshan district and other area.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dalian city, Zhongshan district, high level technological talents, brain gain
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