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A Study On The Transmutation Of Demographic Dividend And Its Influence On Economic Growth Mode In China

Posted on:2018-10-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L F GongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330518464495Subject:Labor economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the reform and opening up,with the rapid development of the socialist market economy,China’s rapid economic growth has become one of the fastest growing economies in the world economy.At the same time,the dramatic increase in our population has brought so many changes to society,such as changes in demographic dividends brought about by population growth and changes in demographic dividends have led to a further shift in the way of economic growth.How to effectively grasp this change has become the key.Demographic dividend problem contains a wealth of content,including quantity dividend,structural dividend,quality dividend has different contribution and impact on economic growth.In this paper,based on the analysis of population economics at home and abroad to analyze the evolution of China’s demographic dividend and its impact on economic growth since the reform and opening up.In this paper,the use of certain measurement and statistical methods like Holt-Winters,lasso for data processing,respectively,from the simple observation and data validation of the two angles of the transition from the demographic dividend,summed up in accordance with the stage of its regularity and characteristics;The change of labor dividend and the change of labor productivity.It is found that the trend of demographic dividend change in our country has the effect of wheeling effect.Among them,the first stage,the population factor mainly depends on the population growth,the economy mainly relies on the extensive investment of labor elements to pull;the second stage,the population dividends mainly rely on urban and rural labor The decline in labor productivity and per capita output,the economy began to move towards intensification;the third stage of population dependency reached the trough to reach the peak of economic contribution,while the structural dividend slowed,accumulated by the education The quality of the dividend gradually expanded and the emergence of vigorous development trend,the rapid growth of high-tech industries.At the same time in different periods with the demographic dividend of different ways of economic growth also occurred with the corresponding changes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Demographic dividend, Dependency ratio, Economic growth, Urban-rural employment ratio, Population size, Population quality
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