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The Exploration Of Education Poverty Alleviation Based On The Theory Of Intergenerational Transmission Of Poverty

Posted on:2018-02-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330518469855Subject:Public Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the reform and opening up,China vigorously promote poverty alleviation work.and has obtained the certain result,but what is undeniable is that huge Numbers of poverty population,the phenomenon of intergenerational transmission of poverty is more prominent,and education is an important way to get rid of the intergenerational transmission of poverty.Y county is one of the key county of national poverty alleviation work.This article selects Y county as a case to analyze the county education poverty status,and starting from the factors that lead to the intergenerational transmission of poverty alleviation work,explore how to carry out education from multi angles,blocking the phenomenon of intergenerational transmission of poverty from the aspects of education,and strive to place education in the poverty alleviation work to promote the people’s poverty area give full play to the role.First,based on the contemporary background,this paper discusses the purpose and significance of the research,reviews the research status at home and abroad,and takes literature,questionnaire,theoretical analysis and case analysis as the research methods.The second part expounds the definition of poverty and the theory of intergenerational transfer of poverty,and analyzes the significance of poverty alleviation through education to prevent intergenerational transmission of poverty.The third part through the analysis of twenty households in two generation families,the education level of transitivity and enhance the level of education has a positive significance to improve the income of the stronger conclusion in poor families.At the same time,summed up the work of poverty alleviation education in Y County,mainly reflected in the funding policy and efforts to actively practice the country to improve the quality of education in each stage,and analyzes the problems and reasons.The fourth part is based on the theory of intergenerational transfer of poverty,and puts forward countermeasures to the anti-poverty work of education.From the perspective of policy,we should allocate the education resources reasonably,and properly tilt to the weak area of education.Improving the quality of education to improve the quality and capability of the poor.We will encourage the public to participate in the education poverty alleviation work,and focus on the psychological education of the poor,to reduce the level of poverty and help the poor people to lift themselves out of poverty.
Keywords/Search Tags:poverty, anti-poverty project, intergenerational transmission of poverty, education poverty alleviation
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