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Study On Incentive Mechanism Of Scientific And Technological Innovation Talents In Linyi City

Posted on:2018-12-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y K SongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330536988203Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In order to improve international competitiveness and to play an increasingly important role in the global economy,scientific and technological innovation has become the main means for governments to promote economic and social development in the world of economic globalization and with rapidly developed science and technology.Human resources have become the most important strategic resources with regard to the global economic and social development,and scientific and technological innovation talents are the top priority of human resources.In order to meet the requirements of this change and adjust the new situation,this paper takes Linyi city as an example,and analyzes the shortage of incentive mechanism for scientific and technological innovation talents in Linyi City,and puts forward countermeasures to actively cope with the situation of Linyi Science and Technology Innovation Talent Strategy and Talent Development Status,also,to confront the fierce competition of scientific and technological innovation talent with domestic cities around.This paper first demonstrates the research background,significance,method,and current research review from both global and domestic scholars.Secondly,it introduces the background of the incentive mechanism of scientific and technological innovation talents in terms of conceptions,composition and theory of scientific and technological innovation talents,which consists of the theoretical foundation of the research.Then,the present situation and the corresponding strategic planning of the scientific and technological innovation talent incentive mechanism in Linyi are introduced.The basic information of scientific and technological innovation talents,the scientific research work of scientific and technological talents,the incentive factors of innovation,scientific and technological innovation talents ’ evaluation of existing talent policy,scientific and technological innovation personnel advice and suggestions are investigated by means of questionnaires and field survey and interviews.With data analysis,we draw direct and reliable conclusions.The purpose is to dig out the problems of scientific and technological talents incentive mechanism in Linyi City with respect to institutional,policy,and incentive factors.Finally,in view of these problems,this study puts forward countermeasures to solve the problems.The data analysis shows that,to develop a better incentive mechanism for scientific and technological talents to attract scientific and technological talents,Linyi City needs to increase the incentives for the recruitment of scientific and technological innovation talents,to improve theincentive management of existing scientific and technological innovation talents,to pay more attention to the government guidance and normative role,and to improve the government capacity for motivating the scientific and technological innovation talents.
Keywords/Search Tags:Scientific and technological innovation talents, Incentives Mechanism, Linyi city
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