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Research On Cultivating Students’ Autonomous Learning Ability In Information Technology Teaching Of Elementary School

Posted on:2018-03-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q H XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330542471227Subject:The modern education technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Autonomous learning ability is more and more be taken seriously in every region in each period,because the autonomous learning ability strong and the weak is directly related to the students’ learning goals can effectively achieve.In this paper,by means of the combination of theory and practice of exploring information technology curriculum teaching in elementary school in an effective way to cultivate students’ autonomous learning ability,finally obtained the certain research result.This thesis is divided into five parts.The first part is the introduction.First of all,on the base of lifelong learning,curriculum reform,the situation and the particularity of information technology course this paper expounds the background of topic is put forward.Then we analyzed the research status at home and abroad a variety of literatures.Finally illustrates the necessity of the study from the study of feasibility analysis,objectives,methods and significance.The second part is the concept and theoretical basis.First from the various definitions of autonomous learning and the characteristics of primary school information technology course on the need to use the concept of autonomous learning is defined.And then to the elementary student’s psychological cognitive characteristics,thinking characteristics and primary school information technology course characteristics are analyzed in detail.Finally,the conceptual elaborated the theoretical basis of autonomous learning.The third part is the study of the theory of autonomous learning ability training mode of the primary school students.First of all to the elementary student’s independent learning ability present situation has carried on the investigation and study.Then from the teaching strategy of cultivating students’ autonomous learning ability,learning strategies and evaluation methods are analyzed.Finally established information technology class teaching process of cultivating students autonomous learning ability on the basis of previous analysis.The fourth part is primary school information technology teaching practice of middle school students’ autonomous learning ability cultivation research work.This part of the practice research by two steps,the first step is to knowledge about slides of classroom teaching practice,the second step is the practice of the independent creative activities on slide.At last,through data analysis,the influence of practice activity to students and summarizes the reflection.The fifth part is conclusion.Mainly describes the research conclusion and reflectson some problems existing in the research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Autonomous learning, Ability training, Primary school information technology, The classroom teaching
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