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Research On The Construction And Application Of Flip Classroom Teaching Mode Based On Cloud Platform

Posted on:2019-01-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330542955263Subject:The modern education technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of information technology,the traditional form of education is also changing gradually.New ideas and educational technologies have spawned new teaching models,and the flipping class that reverses student’s class and after-school activities is one of them.In this mode,students need to download teaching videos,exchange learning experiences and complete self-study before class.In the classroom,teachers are no longer taught through the whole class.Instead students actively discuss and solve problems.This effectively eliminates the shortcomings of students’ initiative in the traditional classroom that cannot be developed.It can be seen that the choice of teaching platform is very important for the success of the class.Cloud computing is increasingly favored by educators because of its powerful data processing capabilities,large storage space,and convenient sharing.The services provided by cloud computing can enable the information resources in the access network to be distributed to other users in the network on demand.This can create a convenient and stable teaching environment and provide essential technical support for flipping classroom teaching.Therefore,in the process of conforming to the educational informationization,the study of flipping classroom teaching based on the cloud platform is also increasing.However,practice has proved that there are still various problems in the implementation of the reversal classroom based on the cloud platform.Based on this,the author constructed a teaching model based on cloud platform,carried out practical research and contributed its own wisdom to this part of the study.This study first used the literature research method to understand the research background,research status,and research significance of cloud computing and flipping classrooms.And explained the related concepts of flipping classroom,cloud computing and etc....After introducing the theoretical support,the author analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of the existing flipped classroom model,and then introduced the “3/3” teaching model constructed by this research.From the three dimensions of teachers,students,and the environment,the teaching process is divided into three stages: before class,during class,andafter class.The teaching is carried out under the support of the Baihui Cloud Platform.This section is one of the core areas of the research.The article will elaborate on all aspects of the “Three Three” model.Secondly,the author conducted specific practical research on the practice in the high school chemistry class of the affiliated middle school of Hebei Normal University,and selected conceptual lessons and experimental lessons for case description.In this process,the author elaborated the practical application process of the "33" teaching model.In order to verify the effect of the model,the author made an in-depth analysis by the way of questionnaire survey and interview.The Markov chain was used to analyze the students’ grades in the experimental class and the control class.Finally,the flipped classroom teaching based on the cloud platform improved the students’ interest in learning and problem solving,and improved the students’ academic performance.In the last chapter,the main research results of this paper are refined,and the rigorous research strategy is conceived while reflecting on the deficiencies of this study,so as to obtain more valuable results in the future research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cloud Platform, Flip Classroom, Teaching Model Construction, Baihui Cloud Platform
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