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Applied Research On Portfolio Evaluation Of Technical Activities In High School General Technology Teaching

Posted on:2017-03-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y N LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2357330518990533Subject:Science and Technology Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
General technology curriculum in high school is a curriculm whose mian characteristics are design learning and operation learning.Based on the unique characteristics,teaching evaluation should not only pay attention to students’ learning results,but also pay attention to the students’ learning and growth process.Under this kind of background,the portfolio assessment of technical activities as a new evaluation method into the general technology teacher’s field of vision,it through evaluating student collected works,reflection and other evidence to reflect students’learning process and effect.This research made the portfolio assessment of technical activities into the daily teaching,which mainly solves whether it is effective in general technology teaching in senior high school.We divided the research questions into the following three problems for the convenient implementation of the study:(1)through the literature research and interviews with teachers,selecting the specific contents of the general technology curriculum,and designed the portfolio assessment of technical activities which meet to the general technical teaching in senior high school;(2)then put the portfolio assessment of technical activities into effect in the general technology teaching practice;(3)through a quasi experimental study,selecting two parallel classes of educational experiments,to explore the effect of the portfolio assessment of technical activities on general technology classroom the participation of senior high school students and their score;through interviewing the students in the experimental class,to explore the effect of the portfolio assessment of technical activities on students’ self consciousness.This research mainly draws the following three conclusions:(1)the portfolio assessment of technical activities has role in promoting the degree of high school students’ participation in general technology class;(2)the portfolio assessment of technical activities has positive effect on increasing senior high school students’ self consciousness;(3)the portfolio assessment of technical activities has positive effect on increasing senior high school students’ academic achievement.At the same time,we should pay attention to some certain things in implementating the portfolio assessment of technical activities:(1)for the general technology teaching in high school,it has best effect which using the structure type of portfolio assessment firstly,then transit it to semi-structure type slowly;(2)establish corresponding evaluation standards for student activities,guide the learning process of students,provide timely feedback;(3)establish and perfect the special classroom management system,help students develop good habits,reduce the maintenance workload of laboratory teachers,provide the corresponding data and technical activities of portfolio assessment for students.
Keywords/Search Tags:the teaching evaluation, the portfolio assessment, student’s self evaluation, student’s mutual evaluation
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