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The Implementation Of "question Teaching Method" In High School Chinese Reading Teaching

Posted on:2018-03-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Reading teaching is an important part of high school Chinese teaching,and the exploration and practice of reading teaching methods play an important role in the new curriculum reform.Problem teaching method is one of the main methods of reading teaching,which changes passive acceptance of learning of students in the traditional reading teaching and returns the learning initiative rights to students.In the background of the new curriculum,and as the teaching core of finding and solving problems,the problem teaching method has magnificent impacts on cultivation of students’ problem consciousness and innovative thinking,and optimization of students’ reading thinking and improvement of students’ reading ability.This paper mainly includes four parts.The introduction part mainly introduces the purpose and significance of the topic,and domestic and foreign literature review.The first part mainly elaborates the connotation,theoretical basis and characteristics of the problem teaching method.The second part mainly discusses the significance and principles of the problem teaching method in the teaching of high school Chinese reading.The third part mainly discusses the implementation strategies of the problem teaching method in high school Chinese reading teaching.This paper focuses on how to accurately grasp the effective entry points of the problem design,the scientific ways of expression and the appropriate timing,and how to cultivate students’ problem consciousness in the process of the problem teaching method,so that the problem teaching method is more operable in high school Chinese reading teaching practice application.
Keywords/Search Tags:problem teaching method, high school Chinese reading teaching, implementation inquiry
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