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Application Value Of Creative Thinking Of Chinese Characters In Logo Design

Posted on:2019-09-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X P HaoFull Text:PDF
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Chinese characters are the written forms of Chinese language and they are the the only written forms that have been passed down to the present day among the major writing systems of the ancient times.The system of Chinese characters is highly complete as a character combines its form,sound and meaning as a whole entity,and thus plays a unique role among the languages in the world.As vehicles for traditional cultural thought,the characters are embedded with modes thinking that have subtly informed the design theories and methods in China.Based on the ways in which characters are formed,the designing of logos will suggest new perspectives,thus not only enriching the design theories but also leading to more conscious use of the localized design methods that have not been noted.This paper studies the ways in which the characters are formed and their influence on logo design.It is found that Chinese characters are embedded with concepts of images,subjectivity,integrity and poetry.Among them,images thinking is the most representative mode of thinking,and it is an important reason why Chinese characters inherited so far.It has shaped the special character of traditional Chinese culture.The multi-level images implied in the concept of images not only promote our understanding of “image’,but also inform the creation of images in logo design.The subjective thinking embodies the humanistic consciousness.The logo design must not only meet the needs of the identified social function,but also include humanistic care.Holistic thinking enables us to systematically view the logo design and consider its ecological environment so as to serve the public more effectively.At the same time,the holistic thinking also influences the construction of logo design forms.The formal beauty and legal system of combining and decoupling makes the logo design form an overall graphic system with a sense of order and beauty.The influence of the poetic thinking of Chinese character creation on the logo designs is first of all manifested in the traction of the spirit and emotions that are rich in the unique aesthetic sense of the East.Secondly,the beauty of the form of words in the form of words also affects the aesthetic construction of the logo design...
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese characters, Thinking, Design, Logo design, Influence
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