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A Report On E-C Translation Based On The Excerpts Of The Power Of Industrial Brands From The Perspective Of Text Typology Theory

Posted on:2019-06-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Y XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330548971751Subject:English translation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With over 30 years of reform and opening up,China enjoys the prosperity of commodity economy,it not only shines in consumer market as well as in industry market.Brands and branding play an essential role in the consumer market,in other words,it’s helpful in increasing selling performance.However,there is lower efficiency of brands and branding in the industrial market.So,the book The Power of Industrial Brands mainly introduces the definition,the way of establishing a brand and branding,and also its significance.This report is based on the E-C translation of The Power of Industrial Brands(excerpts from chapter 1 to chapter 3)from the perspective of Text Typology Theory of Newmark.The entire report consists of five parts.Part one is a task description which includes the introduction of background,description of the mission and its significance of the task.Part two is the task process which includes the pre-translation,while-translation and after-translation.Part three is the introduction to a theoretical framework which includes text typology theory of Newmark,its classification and translation methods he puts forward in the theory.Part four is case studies.Translator will discuss how the text typology theory can be used in solving the actual translation practice from lexical,syntactical and textual aspects and modifying the translation according to the customer’s feedback.The final part is a conclusion.In this section,the author will summarize the findings and limitations after this translation practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Text Typology Theory, Informative Text, Communicative Translation, Semantic Translation
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