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The Study On Influencing Factors Of The Proactive Behavior Of Rural Community Residents In Community Governance

Posted on:2019-05-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y GongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330596951416Subject:Technical Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The rural community is an important part of the current rural revitalization strategy,the sustainable development of the new rural community,in view of the residents' own point of view,the key is to comprehensively improve the level of villagers' autonomy,improve the residents' initiative to participate in community governance.In this study,412 valid questionnaires were collected.According to the judgment standard of strong reciprocity theory,residents are divided into strong reciprocity,cooperation and selfishness.on this basis,with Fogg behavior theory as the criterion variable,the behavior motivation,behavior ability and behavior trigger of strong reciprocity,cooperation and selfishness are respectively taken as the prediction variables.Through stepwise multiple regression analysis,the influencing factors of active behavior in community governance were explored predictively,and the standardized regression equation was constructed from the macro the same time,the characteristics of population sociology were tested by independent sample T test and one-way ANOVA.The following conclusions are drawn:(1)behavioral motivation(0.424)has the most significant effect on strong reciprocity,and behavioral ability(0.396)has more effect than behavioral trigger(0.289);(2)behavioral motivation(0.336)and behavioral trigger(0.336)were the same for partners,and behavioral ability(0.250)had the weakest effect;(3)for selfish people,behavioral ability(0.429)was the most significant,followed by behavioral trigger(0.319),and finally behavioral motivation(0.202;(4)there is no significant difference in the characteristics of population sociology,behavior motivation,behavior ability,behavior trigger and participation in active behavior among the residents of strong reciprocity type;(5)the results showed that there were significant differences in the characteristics of sociology of population,behavioral motivation,behavioral ability,behavioral trigger and participation in active behavior between cooperative and selfish types of residents.Accordingly,the conclusion of the strong reciprocal community leads to the improvement and perfection of the reward and punishment mechanism and the promotion of community equity.From the conclusion of the collaborators,the residents should strengthen the sense of community belonging and enhance the participation of the residents;at the same time,we should build a good relationship between the management committee and the residents,eliminate the misinformation of information asymmetry,cultivate a variety of community organizations,and guide the residents to participate actively.From the conclusion of the selfishness,the government should provide strong fund guarantee,ensure the community governance work,plan the participatory matter rationally,and ensure the participation of the participants;the conclusion from the characteristics of the sociology of population leads to the government to enhance the differentiation of community governance and improve the precision.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural community residents, community governance, participation initiative, strong reciprocity, FOGG behavior theory
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