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Study On Villagers Election Committee

Posted on:2020-06-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H T KongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330596992530Subject:Science of Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Villagers' Election Committee is the only working body that presides over the election of villagers' committees.It plays a central role in the organization and presiding over the election of villagers' committees.However,in practice,the important role of the villagers' election committee has not been effectively played in the process of the villagers' Committee election.Based on this,this paper studies the villagers' election committee vertically along the evolution of the development of the electoral organization in China,and holds that the Election Committee of the NPC deputies has played a promoting role in the development of the villagers' election committee.On this basis,the concept,status and nature of the villagers' election committee are positioned.Secondly,from the national and local levels,the provisions of the villagers' election committee are analyzed horizontally.It is concluded that the relevant laws and regulations for the villagers' election committee in the Organic Law of the villagers' Committee and the Rules for Election of the villagers' committee are still not perfect,and that the specific provisions for the villagers' election committee are seldom made in the local election methods,which tends to be principled and generalized as a whole.It can not play a normative role,and it is difficult to have realistic legal guidance.The main problems existing in the practice and operation of the villagers' election committee are the irregularity of the mode of production and the defect of the personnel composition,which results in theirregularity of the main body of the villagers' election committee;the unreasonable establishment during the term of office and the falsification of the performance of its own duties,which results in the unclear definition of the terms of reference of the villagers' election committee,which makes the election organization work difficult to carry out smoothly due to lack of basis;and the grass-Intervention and all parties' inadequate accountability to the villagers' election committee have resulted in the lack of independence of the villagers' election committee itself,unable to work independently,even attached to the grass-roots government,and so on.The main causes of these problems are that the relevant laws and regulations still need to be improved,the grass-roots political power and Party branches misunderstand their functions and powers,the lack of election awareness within the village itself,and the lack of supervision of the villagers' election committee by all parties.In view of the above problems,this paper puts forward the reform path,and suggests improving the relevant laws and regulations of the villagers' election committee,strengthening the villagers' election committee to perform its duties,cultivating villagers' democratic consciousness,transforming the interpretation of the functions and powers of the village Party branches and grass-roots governments,clarifying the guiding and assisting role of the villagers' election committee,and gradually transforming the present stage of strong intervention in elections into a single one.Purely guiding elections;strengthening the supervision of all parties to the villagers' election committee,etc.
Keywords/Search Tags:villagers' Committee election, villagers' election committee, villagers' autonomy
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