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Investigation And Analysis On The Cognition Of Micro Business Entrepreneurship For College Students In Nanchang

Posted on:2019-03-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H M HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330545468637Subject:Applied Statistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays,with the rapid development of WeChat,micro-blog,QQ and other mobile social media,micro business,which earning a dramatic increase,has rapidly grown into an indispensable part of entrepreneurship market.Thanks to its low threshold,low cost and strong interactive,micro business has set off a boom into the society of college students,while opening up a new way to start their own businesses.In order to provide more targeted,more practical environment for students engaged in micro entrepreneurs,as well as intending to further explore the influence factor of the inner objective performance for college students,this paper studies entrepreneurs cognitive mechanisms of micro business for college students,catching the relationship among the entrepreneurial cognition,opportunity recognition,and entrepreneurial intention,providing supplementary for the domestic study of entrepreneurship.Based on the relevant field of mature scale,combined with the reality of college students in Nanchang,the paper modifies the questionnaires,next to which selecting five representative colleges of the city for issuing.The survey issued a total of 530 questionnaires,while recovering 521,with the recovery rate of 98.3%,of which six copies of waste,the effective volume of 515,and the effective rate of 98.8%.In order to analyze the influence of micro entrepreneurial cognition on the entrepreneurial intention for college students,two kinds of classical entrepreneurial cognitive bias,self-efficacy and illusion of control are chosen to represent the entrepreneurial cognitive mode.Additionally,entrepreneurial intention is taken to explain and predict students' entrepreneurial behavior,according to which the paper analysis the micro entrepreneurial cognitive mechanism,combined with the key linkin entrepreneurial activities--entrepreneurial opportunity recognition.Through the exploratory factor analysis,this paper extracts two key factors of micro business in entrepreneurial opportunity identification,confirmatory factor analysis testing validity by AMOS22.0,exploring the micro entrepreneurs cognitive factors and the mediating effect among cognitive bias,micro entrepreneurs opportunities and entrepreneurial intention,trying to find out the most important factors affecting the entrepreneurial behavior,with the help of SPSS22.0 software.It turns out that educational background of college students,professional characteristics,household registration and entrepreneurial reference are of great significance on micro business cognition.Besides,college students' entrepreneurial cognition mechanism has stronger influence on entrepreneurial intentions than external performance.Finally,according to the conclusion,suggestions from 4 aspects,the micro business on entrepreneurship policy,entrepreneurship education,platform,and the feedback mechanism,are promoted.
Keywords/Search Tags:entrepreneurship cognition of micro business for colleges students, opportunity identification, entrepreneurial intention
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