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The Impact Of Middle School Students’ Negative Physical Self On Their Sense Of Self-worth And Reading Intervention

Posted on:2019-12-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y QinFull Text:PDF
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Junior high school students are in the period of rapid changes of physiology and psychology.The attention to physical self-concept is more intense at this stage,and there are many unreasonable negative cognition,there are differences between the physical self-concept and the psychological self-concept,junior high school students tend to have a lower self evaluation and generate feelings of inferiority,eventually bring down their sense of self-value,more seriously,it may affect their physical and mental development.How to make junior high school students know their own body correctly is the key to improve their mental health and self-value.In recent years,the research on physical self-concept has been increasing,but the previous studies are mostly focus on the positive side,which involves the characteristics of physical,the design of measuring tools,the mechanism of cognitive neuro and the influencing factor of the study,etc.But studies on intervention are rare.On the basis of previous studies,this study systematically discusses the physical dissatisfaction of junior high school students from three aspects: characteristics,influencing factors and intervention mode.In the first and second studies,the junior high school students were investigated by questionnaire about their negative characteristics about body.On the basis of the first study,the second study explores the relationship among negative physical self,self-worth and self-esteem of junior high school students,and tries to establish a prediction model.On the basis of the previous two studies,the third study designed a reading program to intervene junior high school students from the cognitive point of view according to the theory of reading therapy,in order to improve the self-value of junior high school students through the intervention of physical self and self-esteem.The conclusions of this study are as follows:1.Negative physical self-characteristics of junior high school students:On the whole,they are satisfied with their own body,but they are not satisfied with the whole dimension.The negative physical self-concept showed a fluctuating trend withthe development of age.In terms of gender,girls are less satisfied with their bodies.Minority students in junior high school are not satisfied with the overall dimension than the Han students;There is no obvious difference between whether or not the only child,grade and place of residence.2.Self-esteem,negative physical selfand self-value are two related factors.Self-esteem plays a intermediary role between negative physical self-concept and self-worth.3.Bibliotherapy can effectively improve junior high school students’ negative physical self,via improving the level of self-esteem,and then improve junior high school students’ sense of self-value.
Keywords/Search Tags:Negative Physical Self, Self–worth, Self-esteem, Bibliotherapy Self-worth
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