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Research On The Construction Of Integrated Teaching Mode Of Internal And External Volleyball Classes In Colleges And Universities Of Changchun

Posted on:2019-06-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L RenFull Text:PDF
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The integrated teaching inside and outside of the volleyball class is not only in line with the current needs of physical education reform in colleges and universities,but also close to the needs of students to enhance their physical fitness and improve their overall quality.Therefore,it tries to study the construction of integrated teaching model of volleyball inside and outside class in Changchun City.The research mainly focused on the construction of the realistic environment of the integration of internal and external teaching methods in volleyball classes in colleges and universities in Changchun through documentary research methods,expert interviews,surveys,and mathematical statistics.Based on this,relying on relevant education theories,combined with classroom teaching With the advantages and disadvantages in the course,four types and four types of teaching modes were constructed.The teaching effect was tested through practice and the implementation strategy was put forward.Studies indicate:(1)There is a realistic environment basis for the integration of the internal and external teaching models in college volleyball classes.First,teaching is affected by class hours,venues,etc.There is a gap between teaching effectiveness and student needs,and the teaching effect needs to be improved.Second,the teaching assessment method is single,and the assessment method needs to be optimized.Third,the integrated teaching model is not yet implemented.There is a teacher-student requirement.Support;Fourth,students' extracurricular activities have the basis of integration of extracurricular and extracurricular activities in terms of time,form and content.(2)In the construction and practical application of college volleyball integration teaching model: The first is to construct four elements.The goal of the teaching is to build the target content in terms of participation,skills,physical fitness,psychology,and social adaptation.The content of the lesson is based on two levels and ten levels of learning content.The extracurricular activities are organized in the categories of competition,training,and activities.Ten learning contents;teaching evaluation is based on traditional evaluation elements,and evaluation criteria are established in five aspects: skills,quality,attitude,practice,and theory;curriculum management builds an implementation management system,evaluation and generation system,and operation management system.content.The second is to set up "basic + expansion mode","prelude + follow-up mode","pilot + successor mode",and "dominant + promotion mode" in accordance with the principle of complementarity between extracurricular and extracurricular activities.The third is based on the four model types of case design and practice.The teaching effect shows that the integrated teaching mode has an active role in improving student interest in learning,improving learning outcomes,and developing student volleyball habits.(3)Teaching mode The influence of the teacher's ecology,number of teachers,number of venues and equipment,and extracurricular volleyball activities.In order to promote the implementation of the integrated teaching model,we put forward implementation strategies: Schools increase emphasis,increase investment,enhance teacher resources and material security,pay attention to improving teachers' teaching quality,and adapt to the needs of integrated operation inside and outside classes;change teaching concepts,break the traditional teaching paradigm,and improve Teaching creativity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Changchun, volleyball, integration of inside and outside class, mode
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