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An Empirical Study On The Coordination Of Industrial Structure And Employment Structure In Yunnan Province

Posted on:2020-07-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L X LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330572980391Subject:National Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The coordinated development of industrial structure and employment structure is crucial for economic growth and social stability in a country or region.As a relatively economically underdeveloped region in China,although the industrial structure and employment structure have been continuously adjusted and optimized,there is still a large deviation between the industrial structure and the employment structure.A series of problems such as weak industrial competitiveness,sluggish industrial upgrading,and high unemployment rate have not been resolved.Therefore,under the current situation,we actively study the problems existing in the coordinated development of Yunnan’s industrial structure and employment structure,and correct the existing problems in a timely manner,which is of great significance to guarantee the highquality development of Yunnan’s economy in the new era.For the above problems,this paper first comprehensively applies the evolutionary theory of industrial structure and employment structure in industrial economics and development economics.combined with the actual factor endowment of Yunnan,and referring to the evolution of industrial structure and employment structure in the country and developed countries,the paper analyzes the existing problems through horizontal comparison and finds out the specific factors that lead to the inconsistency between Yunnan’s industrial structure and employment structure.Finally,the empirical part is verified.And draw the following conclusions:First,the use of HP filtering method to factorize the industrial structure and employment structure shows that the employment structure in Yunnan lags behind the development of industrial structure,and there are obvious asynchronous features.The Granger causality test shows that there is a two-way causal relationship between the industrial structure and the employment structure;Secondly,using the employment elasticity analysis,it is found that the employment absorption capacity of the three industries in Yunnan Province is quite different.The primary industry shows a strong “crowding out effect”.The employment elasticity of the secondary industry fluctuated greatly,and the overall performance showed a weaker absorption capacity for new employment.The tertiary industry has the greatest employment elasticity and the strongest absorption capacity for new employment;Thirdly,using structural deviation and comparative labor productivity to analyze the labor resource allocation among the three industries in Yunnan Province,it is found that the labor force has mismatches among the three industries and it’s internal industries.There is still a large release space for the labor force in the primary industry,and the secondary and tertiary industries can further absorb more labor;Fourth,the results of the Tyre index analysis show that the coordination between Yunnan’s industrial structure and employment structure is increasing.Moreover,the coordinated development of industrial structure and employment structure in Yunnan Province is mainly affected by technological progress and system barriers to population movements.Other factors are not significant.Finally,the paper reviews the writing process and points out the shortcomings and research prospects.
Keywords/Search Tags:Industrial Structure, Employment Structure, Coordination
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