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Research On The Influence Of Regional Talent Agglomeration On The Efficiency Of Science And Technology Innovation

Posted on:2020-10-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S T DongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330599956605Subject:Regional Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In 2020,China will build an innovative country.The contribution rate of science and technology innovation to economic development will exceed 70%.Innovation will replace investment as a new engine driving economic development.Talents are the core element in scientific and technological innovation activities,and the reserve of talents has become an important strategic resource for regional competition in the future.At the same time,with the continuous upgrading of competition in regional comprehensive innovation ability,the era of traditional innovation relying on "demographic dividend" is approaching.Talents have become one of the core focuses of regional competition,as mastering a large number of knowledge,technology and economics.Qualified intellectual capital talents will directly affect the level of comprehensive scientific and technological innovation strength in the future,and even the success of the transformation of the mode of economic development.However,in the past 40 years of reform and opening up,there has been a trend of increasing the efficiency of scientific and technological innovation among regions.Therefore,it is particularly important to study how to improve the efficiency of scientific and technological innovation through regional talent gathering.On the premise of theoretical reference and current situation analysis,this paper evaluates the efficiency of scientific and technological innovation in 30 provinces and cities in China,and empirically tests the impact of the scale,intensity and balance of talent agglomeration on the efficiency of regional science and technology innovation using SBM-Tobit model.The paper’s writing ideas are as follows: Firstly,define the concept of talent agglomeration,determine the scale of talent agglomeration scale,intensity and balance;at the same time,according to the theory of talent flow,agglomeration economic theory,innovation theory,talent gathering and technological innovation The theory elaborates the theoretical hypothesis of the influence of the scale,intensity and balance of talent agglomeration on the efficiency of scientific and technological innovation.Secondly,it draws on the concept of location entropy reflecting the degree of industrial specialization,and constructs the talent location entropy index to reflect the regional talent balance.The status quo of agglomeration and technological innovation was analyzed.At the same time,with reference to domestic and foreign literature research,combined with the availability and representativeness of data,the index of scientific and technological innovation efficiency was constructed.The Super-SBM model was used to carry out the efficiency of China’s science and technology innovation from 2001 to 2016.The evaluation,and analysis of the changes in the efficiency of technological innovation in the eastern,central,western and northeast regions;finally added to the economic development level of control variables,industrial structure modernization,urbanization level,FDI,using SBM-Tobit model regression,from the scale of talent gathering,intensity and balance,economic development water,Industrial modernization,and put forward feasible policy recommendations on the basis of talented personnel,technical efficiency,pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency of impact,and summarize the conclusions of the study on the level of urbanization and foreign-invested seven indicators empirical analysis.Based on the above research findings:(1)There are great differences in the efficiency of science and technology innovation among regions in China.The eastern,central,western and northeastern regions show a downward trend.The eastern coastal provinces and cities have the highest efficiency of science and technology innovation.The level of Talent Gathering in Beijing and Shanghai,the scale and intensity of investment in science and technology innovation,and the radiation effect of dissemination and diffusion of innovation achievements on the surrounding areas are higher than that of other regions.Science and technology innovation in the region shows a trend of extraordinary development.The efficiency of science and technology innovation grows fastest.The pure technology efficiency has surpassed the central region.The efficiency of science and technology innovation in the northeast region grows slowest,and the input and output of science and technology innovation lags behind the national average.(2)Talent agglomeration has a positive role in promoting the efficiency of scientific and technological innovation.The scale of talent agglomeration has the greatest impact on the efficiency of scientific and technological innovation,which indicates that the scale of talent agglomeration has not reached the turning point of scientific and technological innovation efficiency,the positive effect of talent agglomeration has not been fully exerted,and the echo effect of talent agglomeration is greater than the diffusion effect;at the same time,the impact of the balance degree of talent agglomeration on the efficiency of scientific and technological innovation is smaller than the scale of talent agglomeration,The scale of talent agglomeration is the most important factor restricting the efficiency of scientific and technological innovation.(3)The level of economic development FDI has a positive impact on the efficiency of scientific and technological innovation,while the level of industrial structure modernization and urbanization has no significant impact on the technical efficiency and pure technical efficiency.The level of urbanization has hindered the scale efficiency of scientific and technological innovation.The rapid improvement of urbanization level has not improved the environment of regional scientific and technological innovation.Based on the above conclusions,this paper puts forward the following countermeasures and suggestions:(1)Implementing a differentiated and orderly talent policy,and realizing the scale of talent agglomeration is appropriate for the stage of regional scientific and technological innovation.By precisely analyzing the current situation of scientific and technological innovation in the region and implementing the policy of talent introduction in an orderly manner,we can achieve a win-win situation of human resources and high-quality economic development.(2)To scientifically and rationally distribute the industrial structure and realize the scientific matching between regional talent concentration equilibrium and industrial development.According to the needs of industrial development,we should guide the regional flow of talents,attract the inflow of multi-level talents,and realize the coordinated promotion of talent introduction and scientific and technological innovation efficiency.(3)Optimizing the regional environment for scientific and technological innovation,and realizing the coordinated development of urbanization level and regional efficiency of scientific and technological innovation.By perfecting and optimizing the coordinated development mechanism of scientific and technological innovation and urbanization level development,we will ultimately achieve a win-win situation in improving the level of new urbanization and implementing the national innovation-driven strategy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Talent Gathering, Scientific and Technology Innovation Efficiency, Agglomeration Economy, Location Entropy, SBM-Tobit Model
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