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Study On The Main Factors Of Pupils' "Relief" Policy Implementation From The Perspective Of Social Construction

Posted on:2021-05-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Q LeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2427330605954039Subject:Educational Economy and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This study takes the elementary school students ' "burden reduction" policy implementation process as the research object,takes the social construction theory as the theoretical perspective and analytical framework,takes the main factors that identify the elementary school students' "burden reduction" policy implementation process as the core main line,and takes the "burden reduction" policy related subjects Policy cognition,action strategies and social and cultural concepts are the research content.Finally,we strive to make policy recommendations for the effectiveness of "burden reduction" policy implementation.Policy implementation is the core link that transforms the policy goal of the concept state into the policy effect in the real state.The effectiveness of policy execution directly affects the realization of the policy goal.Therefore,the research policy implementation process is to indirectly study the influencing factors of the realization of the policy effect.The definition of the influencing factors and the way of measuring their influence on the policy effect are of great significance for improving the policy execution effect and the later policy improvement.Existing policy implementation research mainly focuses on "official executive subjects".Policy target groups,other policy stakeholders,and the environment in which the policy is located have not been included in the detailed study of the implementation process.As the policy process gradually becomes an open system in which multiple subjects can participate,the target groups,other policy followers,and even ordinary people are to some extent policy implementers,and their perceptions,attitudes,and action strategies on policy issues,etc.Both shape the implementation process and also affect the effectiveness of policy implementation.How to incorporate these elements into the policy implementation research framework,the social construction theory provides a new research perspective,the social construction theory believes that the behavior of the actors in the policy implementation process does not take action in accordance with the behavior of the policy design,the policy recognition of the policy stakeholders Knowledge,cultural environment,and interest relations all reshape the policy implementation process and affect the implementation effect.The "burden reduction" policy for elementary school students in China belongs to the content of a policy system that implements quality education.Theoretically,families,schools,students,education administrative departments,and various social entities support it,but the actual effect of the policy is not ideal.In the process of policy implementation,the behaviors of teachers,parents,and students are not completely governed by the policy,but also affected by the three factors of the common social awareness of the subject,the action strategy of the subject in a specific situation,and the social and cultural concept.Therefore,the study uses these three elements as the core chapter to analyze the implementation of China's primary school students' "burden reduction" policy,and makes recommendations based on this.First of all,the implementation of the "burden reduction" policy for primary school students is carried out under a "weak social common sense".Teachers,parents and students have a cognition of "burden reduction" policy issues,"burden reduction" policy objectives,and "burden reduction" policy measures.General inconsistency,this inconsistency will cause subject's cognitive conflict and affect the effect of policy implementation.Therefore,it is very important for all social subjects to obtain consensus policy cognition for the effectiveness of "burden reduction" policy implementation.Secondly,in a highly competitive social environment,the behavior of teachers and parents will be affected by social factors to varying degrees.Parents 'behaviors are mainly induced by counseling agencies,while teachers' behaviors are mainly influenced by institutional and social evaluations.Primary school students are the most important “least non-influencers” because of their own independence.This requires elementary students to "burden alleviate" the implementation of the policy to form a minimum of executive force among the various entities to promote the effective implementation of the policy.Finally,the behaviors of parents and teachers are also influenced by social and cultural concepts.The "high education" concept of success,the cultural tradition of "emphasis on hard work" and the competitive anxiety of modern society all contradict the quality education concept advocated by the "burden reduction" policy.Cultivating a supportive social and cultural concept is crucial to the effectiveness of the "burden reduction" policy.In short,if you want to promote the effective implementation of elementary school students' "burden reduction" policy and put forward coping recommendations,you need to start from the social factors that affect the implementation of elementary school students' "burden reduction" policy,and clearly explain the primary students' cognition and behavior in the implementation of "burden reduction" policy.All social subjects gain consensus policy recognition,the formation of a minimum implementation joint force among the subjects,and the cultivation of supportive social and cultural concepts are the directions for efforts to "burden" policy implementation and further improvement.
Keywords/Search Tags:Social construction, Policy implementation, Elementary school students "burden reduction", Subjective factor
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