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The Influence Mechanism Of Employee’s Perceived Overqualification On Their Work Performance

Posted on:2020-05-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W S LinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330590987925Subject:Applied Psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of China’s market economy,competition in all walks of life has become more and more fierce in recent years.The work performance of employees as the key to achieving organizational benefits and important indicators in human resource management has always been the focus of organizational attention.In the research field of organizational behavior and human resource management,researchers have tirelessly explored the antecedent variables of work performance and its influencing mechanisms: in the antecedent variables,there are two kinds of near-end impact variables: work attitude and work input;And the three types of remote influence variables,such as individual characteristics,leadership characteristics and work characteristics,act on job performance through near-end influence variables.At the same time,with the increasing emphasis and investment in Chinese education,on the one hand,the number of enrollment in higher education institutions has increased sharply.On the other hand,individual families are paying more and more attention to education and they have the corresponding economic conditions as a support.High-educated talents who graduated from colleges and universities each year have sprung up.In the increasingly competitive environment,talent competition is also constantly taking place.Each city has attracted a large number of highlyeducated talents to come to the city for employment through the introduction of talent policy.However,whether high-educated talents can fully play their roles in existing jobs,if not,how their perceived overqualification will affect their work performance and how they need to balance,it becomes a reality.The problem that is becoming more and more prominent.This study attempts to explore the impact mechanism of employee’s perceived overqualification on work performance,through the a moderated model design,from the perspective of self-verification theory and conservation of resources theory.At the same time,this study takes different types of stressor as the boundary condition,and discusses the differential adjustment effect of challenge stressor and hindrance stressor on the mediating effect of the thriving at work.This study begins with a comprehensive review of the variables such as perceived overqualification,thriving at work,work performance and challenge and hindrance stressor;Then,based on the previous researchers,we found the entry point worthy of in-depth research,put forward the research hypothesis of this study,verify the model and hypothesis proposed by the questionnaire through questionnaire distribution,filling and recovery and data analysis;Finally,we discuss the results,analyze and look forward to the shortcomings of this study.The results of this study are as follows:(1)Employee’s perceived overqualification has a significant positive impact on work performance.(2)Employee’s perceived overqualification has a significant positive impact on thriving at work.(3)Thriving at work has a significant positive impact on work performance.(4)Thriving at work plays a mediating role in the impact of employee’s perceived overqualification on work performance.(5)Challenging stressor is positively regulating the positive correlation between employee’s perceived overqualification and thriving at work.The higher the challenging stressor,the stronger the positive correlation between employee’sperceived overqualification and thriving at work.(6)Hindrance stressor negatively regulates the positive correlation between employee’s perceived overqualification and thriving at work.The higher the hindrance stressor,the weaker the positive correlation between employee’s perceived overqualification and thriving at work.(7)Challenging stressor is positively regulating the mediating role of thriving at work in the perception of employee’s perceived overqualification and work performance.The higher the challenging stressor,the stronger the mediation effect through thriving at work.(8)Hindrance stressor negatively regulate the intermediary role of thriving at work in the perception of employee’s perceived overqualification and work performance,that is,the higher the hindrance stressor,the weaker the mediation effect through thriving at work.
Keywords/Search Tags:perceived overqualification, work performance, thriving at work, challenge and hindrance stressor, self-verification theory, conservation of resources theory
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