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A Study On The Improvement Strategy Of TPACK For Normal School Students

Posted on:2022-05-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2507306473990079Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since this century,the rapid development and renewal of educational technology is a great challenge to teacher development in the new era.In the face of such a profound and great educational technology revolution,how to train teachers in the new era has gra-dually become the focus.By means of TPACK questionnaire survey,combined with lite rature analysis,interviews and classroom observation to recognize the pre-service teachers’ situation,find out the problems in the training process of normal colleges and universi-t ies,and the corresponding training strategies were put forward.The main conclusions ha-v e the following aspects:Normal students TPACK overall level is not high.Through the comparison of the average value,we can find that the average value of each dimension is between 3 ~ 3.7,which is in the middle level,among which the score of T-K is the lowest,which show-s that the ability of normal school students to gr-asp the technical knowledge is the weakest.In addition,the mean values of P-CK and PK are relatively low.Therefore,nor-mal students TPACK overall level to be enhanced.There are differences in TPACK level among normal school students.This research compares and analyzes TPACK of norma-l school students from four aspects: gender,subject,educational practice experience,lear-ning educational technology related courses.The level of TPACK in male students was higher than that in female students,and there was significant difference i-n TK between male and female students(p < 0.05).There were significant differences(p < 0.05)in the mean value of TPCK among lib-eral arts and science students,and all the mean values of science students were higher than those of liberal arts students.In the analysis of the difference of educational practic-e experience,compared with the normal student-s without educational practice experience,the average value of the normal students who have participated in educational practice experience is higher,but the difference of the average value is not significant,the difference in the mean value also indicates that the educational internship experience has a facilitating effect.In the difference analysis of educational technology-related courses,the average values of normal students who have studied educational technology related courses are higher,but there is no significant difference on the whole.Therefore,TPACK as a composite ability,can not only consider the impact of a-single factor,need to take into account various factors.In the aspect of external environment,the TPACK level of normal school students is greatly influenced by teachers’ information literacy,curriculum setting,school hour distribution and educational practice system.First of all,teachers in the classroom teaching process of the inadequate application of TPACK.Secondly,altho-ugh normal school students think that teaching method courses,subject knowledge courses,educational technology courses are basically reasonable in the allocation o-f hours,but their initiative in learning educational technology is insufficient.Therefore,the curriculum categories and allocation of school hours,both need t-o be strengthened.Finally,the normal school student microteaching frequency is few,the education practice cycle is short.Senior Normal School students generally attach importance to the function of mi-croteaching training and educational practice,and are interested in educational practice,and realize that the development of their TPACK level can not be separated from edu cat-ional practice.Therefore,the participation of normal school students in educational pr acti-ce can effectively integrate the subject knowledge,teaching method knowledge an-d edu-cational technology knowledge.In conclusion,the solution is as follows: 1.Improving the technical identity o-f normal school students.Through the effective construction of TPACK concept,normal school students clearly realize the benefits and value of technology in teaching,forming a positi-ve optimization of the circular ladder of development,spiral rise,and constantly improve the level of TPACK;Creating TPACK cooperative learning group for normal school st-udents.The TPACK collaborative learning group for normal school students,which is composed of teachers and students,should not only pay attention to the gender balance,but also strengthen the communication and learning among different subjects.;2.Set up a variety of information-based teaching courses,and explore conducive to the training of TPACK teaching model;3.To further strengthen the subject teachers information trainin-g,improve their ability to use technology in teaching,allocation of full-time personnel to provide technical support;4.Enrich the form of innovative educational practice.Should create a technology-aware environment in the school,strengthen the microteaching training of normal students,reasonably plan the out-of-school educational probation and practice,and strengthen the educational technology support to normal students during the practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:TPACK, educational technology, normal school students, teaching ability
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