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Research On Experience Curriculum

Posted on:2001-04-01Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117360092966641Subject:Comparative Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The primary theme of curriculum philosophy is the problem of the relation between experience curriculum and subject curriculum. Any substantial advance of curr iculum theory and practice means a breakthrough in solving this problem. This breakthrough means improvement of curriculum values. "The study of experience curriculum" is one of the investigations on this primary theme of curriculum philosophy. Based on the rational methodology of curriculum study and the comparative research on canonical experience curriculum paradigms,this research primarily constructs a new experience curriculum - - "lived experience curr iculum".In introduction,meditation on the rationality of curriculum research in the view of scientific philosophy,we reconstruct the rationality of curriculum research. We argue that curriculum facts are value-oriented facts and the basis of the partur it ion and estab! i shment of curr iculum values. The nature of curr icu I urn research is the 'alloy' of value science and experience science and dominated by value research. By comparing different curriculum values among curriculum paradigms with curriculum experience facts,the scientific advance criteria of curr iculum estab I ished. Natural ly,the rational methodology of curr iculum research is the integration of value research and fact research,which dominated by the value research. As for the detailed research paradigm,it is the complementation of the humanistic research paradigm and scientific research paradigm,which dominated by the value researchIn section one,comparative research on canonical experience curriculum paradigms,After comparing the experience curriculum paradigm of romantic naturalism,experience curriculum paradigm of experiential naturalism and experience curriculum paradigm of contemporary humanism,we reach the conclusion that there exist different characteristics among various views of values.The characteristics of the experience curriculum paradigm of romantic naturaIi sm are as foI Iows:f i rst,the acqu i s i t i on of ' exper i ence' i s based on the part it ion of subject and object because the ' exper ience' of ' exper ience curr icu I urn' is the knowledge and reflection on objects based on sense perception. Any compound conception can reduce to single conception since the former is the combination of the latter. The romantic emotion of Knight and 'sentimentality' also are parts of experience. Second,the ultimate aim of ' exper ience curr iculum' lies in the fully unfolding of the kindness of human being and the realization of 'natural human being'. Third,the contents of experience curriculum primarily derived from children,nature,knowledge and society. Nature is the basis of chiIdren,children i s the bas i s of soc i ety,wh i I e know I edge der i ve from i nd i v i dua I' s sense percept i on and direct experience. Fourth,correspondent to experience curriculum,discovery instruction based on the discovery nature of children. Fifth,the rationale of exper ience curr iculum is the En I ightenment phi losophy which is the symphony of two disharmonic melodies,the rationalism of Enlightenment and romanticism.The characteristics of experience curriculum paradigm of experiential natural ism are as follows:First,experience lies in the interaction of human and environment and is the integration of positive actions and reflection on the results of actions. "Is experience subjective or objective?" In Dewey's philosophy,this question is no meaning since he is opposed to any dualism. So the experience of experience curriculum just is the historic integration of children's direct experiences and subject materials.,which is acquired by children through positively interacting with envi ronment and enables chiIdren' s mental exper ienceto reach the height of subject logic. Second,the ultimate aim of experience curriculum is continuous development which includes both the continuous increaseof individual' s exper ience and the continuous development of the whole society----toward the democratic society. This aim impli...
Keywords/Search Tags:Experience
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