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The relationship among Career Anchors, Negative Career Thoughts, Vocational Identity, and Hope in freelance production crew for film and television

Posted on:2011-11-05Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Florida State UniversityCandidate:Horne, Heather LevetaFull Text:PDF
The purpose of the current study was to test a model that considered factors impacting Hope in freelance production crew for film and television, particularly the relationship between Career Anchors, Negative Career Thoughts, Vocational Identity, and Hope. Also, the relationships among Career Anchor Identification, Negative Career Thoughts, and Vocational Identity were tested. The participants were 158 individuals currently working as freelance production crew members on a film and/or television production in three major film and television production regions in the United States of America: Orlando, FL, Los Angeles, CA, and Wilmington, NC and the surrounding areas of each. Participants were asked to complete a consent form, a demographic questionnaire, the Career Orientations Inventory (Schein, 1990), The Career Thoughts Inventory (Sampson, Peterson, Lenz, Reardon, and Saunders, 1996), The Vocational Identity (VI) Scale from My Vocational Situation (Holland, Daiger, & Power, 1980) , and The Hope Scale (Snyder, Harris, et al., 1991);Results indicated that though career anchor identification and negative career thoughts were negatively correlated the correlations were not significant. Further, results indicated career anchor identification and vocational identity were positively correlated yet again the correlations were not significant. The relationship among negative career thoughts and vocational identity was strong and significant. In the proposed model, 43% of the variance of hope was accounted for by career anchor identification, negative career thoughts, and vocational identity.;Future research should focus on the factors, including but not limited to hope, contributing to the overall health and wellbeing of freelance crew members. This study did not limit participation to a particular department or position (e.g., camera department, grip and electrics, etc.) nor were union or non union members identified; rather participation was provided from crew members serving in various departments and capacities. Narrowing and comparing the sample would likely provide a more clear picture of how freelance crew members in various departments and union affiliation approach career decision-making and experience hope within their career.
Keywords/Search Tags:Career, Hope, Crew, Vocational identity, Film, Among, Relationship, Television
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