With the divestiture of state and society, NGO representing the third sector has been playing more important role in public governance and social services field than government and enterprises. As we know, many domestic and international NGO organizations have involved in participating in the rescue of disaster areas after WenChuan earthquake in 2008. When we got into post-disaster reconstruction phase, many NGO organizations have been taking part in post-disaster reconstruction and poverty reduction in the poverty-stricken villages. In the occasion of the earthquake over nearly three years, in order to know how NGO operated in the reconstruction phrase, many organizations started the behaviour of NGO in the reconstruction through field survey. This paper is a kind of thinking on the basis of China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation. CFPA is a symbol NGO which are with official background. These organizations has own ideas, working patterns and characteristics of method in reconstruction, comparing with overseas or grass-roots NGO. This paper has two aspects:firstly, through decrypting the course of NGO participating in post-disaster reconstruction, it shows the specific methods and means of NGO; the other hand, this part tries to decrypting a complicated interaction relationship between government and rural communities through the case of CFPA. Our aim is find some recommendations for government guidance and management of the NGO and NGO development and improvement of their own.The first part describes the origin and significance of the research paper and introduces the general situation of CFPA and its brief history of post-disaster reconstruction. Then the part introduces the research method——case study. It adopts interview and observation method to collecting information.The second part focuses on the way of reconstruction, the specific pathways and the challenges of CFPA. In the reconstruction, the process is mainly divided into four aspects:the selection of pilot villages, the project research, planning and project implementation. Because of differences from other general NGO, it has own special characteristics, so it faces different challenges.Third and fourth two-part descript the complicated interaction relationship between the CFPA with local government and rural communities in the implementation of the project. There are cooperation, division, compromise; but also collaboration, resistance, adaptation. This series of constantly changing relationship is demonstrated in the development process vividly.The fifth part of the project analyses the CFPA the role and value in the reconstruction on the above description of the process. Compared with the government functions, NGO have other advantages:complementary, extending the three forces and competition.The last two parts is a summary. The asymmetry relationship between NGO and government makes the government facing a dilemma in dealing with the plight of NGO. The NGO also shows the own problems in carrying out reconstruction projects. These two parts sort out the challenges of the government and proposes countermeasures. |