The upper reaches of the Minjiang River,is a region with frequently natural disasters.Once a disaster occurs,it will bring unpredictable consequences,and the post-disaster reconstruction is the last stage of its response.Its reconstruction and recovery are related to the current and future development of the affected area to a certain extent,and it is a systematic long-term social recovery.Processes,various social relationships and resources will be re-integrated and distributed under new historical conditions.The study of the impact of post-disaster reconstruction is precisely the field in which disaster anthropology research needs to be deepened and expanded.This study takes the Jiaochang village in the uppe reaches of Minjiang river as a ethnographic case,by using "ontology turn" push "topography" research method,on the ontology to discuss the influence of post-disaster reconstruction.Through the “dwelling perspective” can mapping the post-disasters reconstruction of the villages how to embedded in their specific life scenes.Through the detailed description of the construction of the local “homeland” in the background of the reconstruction of the earthquake in the vicinity of May 12 Wenchuan earthquake and the reconstruction of the neighboring villages to create the landscape of the ancient town,we can understand and understand the local “ontology” changes.The investigation of Jiaochang village "topography ethnography" is based on topography becoming and topography reconstruction,we can see that the topography of the village is changing in the historical dimension,and these changes can be observed through the dwelling perspective including “geographical situation”(nature)and “social status”(personnel),from the standpoint of anthropological ontology.The specific ethnic group has unique environmental system’s trade-offs and the risk mapping of the topography pattern,it is influenced by specific livelihood management methods,social organization patterns and cultural values.Only the reconstructionadapts to the local dwell natural environment system and responds to its current development can such dwelling and development will be real. |